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"God Is With You"

Marilyn Young

Have you ever woken suddenly from a dead sleep with a phrase spoken so loudly in your ear that it made you look around to see where it could have possibly come from? I had the clearest phrase yet, wake me one morning this week. Once I confirmed it had not come from my husband who was still sound asleep beside me, I realized it was from Spirit. I rolled the phrase around and around in my head trying to figure out why I had heard it. “God is with

you.” It was loud but felt calm and reassuring. “That’s nice,” was my initial thought but then I began to wonder why I was given such a loud and clear message. Of course, I know I am

always loved and supported by God/Source/Spirit, so I wondered if maybe this message was just affirming that. Then doubt and fear started to seep in. “Why do I need reassurance?” I wondered. “Is something ‘bad’ about to happen? Was my family OK?” Recognizing that old, programmed fear response, I sat up in bed pushing it aside. Then, fragments of a dream I had just had before waking started to drift in. A few pieces to the puzzle were starting to fall into place…

The dream was about a movie I had watched the previous evening. Wanting to get into the Christmas spirit, we had started to look for one of the classics celebrating the season but instead came across a new movie, “Mary.” It was billed as a new “epic biblical film” portraying the life of Mary, mother of Jesus, from her childhood in Nazareth up to the birth of her son. As the dream segments from the movie drifted through my memory, I was shown several messages from events in the movie that are reflections of our world today.

The Divine Feminine

The first representative event in the movie was noticed by my husband who, when Mary was ostracized and threatened to be stoned to death because she was “with child outside of marriage,” commented “nothing has changed” regarding the poor treatment of women in parts of the world. Sadly, we reflected, that many political regimes in the world still sanction abuse of women and on an individual basis, many women in every country suffer abuse simply because of their gender. In fact, on a broader basis, there are intolerable human rights violations worldwide. But just as Mary had the strength to stand up to her aggressors, people around the world are finding their inner strength supported by the compassion of the Divine Feminine energy that is rising globally. The oppressed are waking up to new hope.

The tyranny of King Herod in the movie represented the global tyranny embodying itself in present day wars and corruption. However, just like Herod’s rule, the corrupt, oppressive global forces are seeing the people rising up and standing up against that corruption. As the cooperation and compassion of the Divine Feminine impacts more and more people, we are seeing more opposition to the abusive will of the powers that be. The strength of the love and compassion of the Divine Feminine truly affirms that “God is with you.”

Reconnecting With Spirit

As more people wake up to their spiritual roots, trusting in the Divine and having the same tremendous strength in the face of adversity as Mary did, we are starting to see old oppressive systems crumble and they will continue to do so. Just as Mary and her family were guided by Archangel Gabriel, many are now guided by Spirit in their everyday lives. As more people connect with their inner wisdom, with their higher self, and with Spirit, the voice of the ego, characterized by Lucifer trying to tempt Mary in the movie, diminishes. Mary’s unwavering faith in God helped her replace fear with conviction in fulfilling her purpose and with the love she had for her son. So many globally have fallen victim to fear as the predominant weapon of control. Mary shows us how faith in the Divine can quelch that fear.

As more journey further down their spiritual path, the fear will be overcome and more will act

on core beliefs of love and compassion just as Joseph did when he turned his back on the “social norm” to rescue Mary from being stoned. We see the ‘rescue’ from abhorrent situations come from within as well as from an outside force. As all people wake up to and act on that core belief of love, the victims and the helpers, the situations change. As we embrace this growing connection with Spirit, we understand “God is with you.”

Magical Meditations

This week Spirit has also brought in some beautiful meditations for me and as I write this, I see the connection to “God is with you.” The first experience occurred when I sat down to make a quick connection with my guides and angels. The previous evening while attending a meeting of my “spiritual buddies,” someone observed that most of my energy field appeared brown in colour and someone else mentioned that brown appears when we overserve. The next morning, as I sat down to call in my spiritual team, I set the intention to clear the “brown energy”, and I asked for assistance is avoiding overserving. My guides and angels appeared readily but instead of their usual “line up for roll call,” they gathered around me in a giant group hug. Surprisingly to me, around all of us was another huge group of light beings participating in the group hug. The immense sense of pure love for me was overwhelming and so, of course, I cried. As we sat in this giant embrace, my grey dragon joined the outside ring and spread his huge wings around the entire group. Sitting in that incredible loving embrace, I saw the brown energy rise from the middle of the glowing group of beings with me at the centre. As the energy rose, it dissipated. I felt myself smile. This was so loving and healing. God was definitely with me.

The new variation to a second meditation only appeared two days ago. In my regular morning meditation, I will bring in energy through my crown chakra, down through my body, into Mother Earth and then I send it through her waters and land as healing for the planet also sending support to those struggling or deciding to leave. After supporting the souls who have chosen to transition, I will see the energy coming back through me and as it leaves the crown chakra, I hop on my white dragon and then we are joined by my grey dragon to wrap the planet in the energy of love and compassion. When I bring the energy in, it is usually white in colour and may be blended with the colour of a specific energy such as green for

healing. On this particular day, the energy came in as beautiful white angel feathers. It flowed not only through me, but all around me as well. I can only describe the unique sensation of this new featherlike energy as being soft, calm, and comforting. As I shared that gentle, loving energy with the planet and all beings on it, especially those leaving/transitioning, their energy felt more joyful, calm and peaceful. For the first time, I could see their destination as “the land of promise.” The message “God is with you” definitely resonated. Then a second phrase came in loud and clear. “God is love.”

 I am so grateful for both of these meditation experiences. Since having them I have been able to repeat them daily. The incredible benevolent love is often overwhelming. They truly are the demonstration of “God is with you” and “God is love.” They have also reminded me of a lesson that is especially important this time of year – it is equally important to receive as it is to give. Many of us as lightworkers are so intent on helping others, that we subconsciously or even consciously, decline what others are giving to us. We often refuse help, reassuring those offering that we are “ok.” Our lack of self worth may have us shy away from a loving hug or compliment. God is reminding us that He and His love are with everyone equally. We all need it, and we all deserve it. Once we allow ourselves to fill up with the love, gratitude, and grace that we are meant to receive, we have that much more to share.

Share the Love

I asked Spirit today why I was to share these experiences with you. The answer was simple. This is the season when many pause in their busy lives to think, even briefly, about God. So God/Source/Spirit wants to remind you at a time when you are mostly likely to pay attention, that “God is with you.” He is reminding you through the story of Jesus whose birth many Christians worldwide will be celebrating soon. Through Mary’s story we are reminded to find strength in our faith in Spirit, whatever our religious beliefs may be, for any difficult times we might face. The three wise men who brought gifts to baby Jesus remind us to share our gifts with others. The meditations remind us to allow ourselves to be filled with the love and light of Source and to share it. We are to remember that ‘God is with you” and in us, that “God is love” and so we know we are all equally deserving to receive it and to share it. Feeling the love as children of the Divine, we can fill our hearts with love and reach out to others to share that love, especially with those in need.

God wants us to know that He is with us every moment. He is with everyone and in everyone, at every moment, no matter who we are or where we are. He wants us to know that with his unwavering support, we can replace fear with love and joy.  So, as we enter this “season of

giving” breathe in faith and open your heart to God and his love. Share the greatest gift of all, love, with everyone you meet on a daily basis. Give them a smile, a hug, a kind word, or just share your overflowing, loving energy and it will find those who are in need of it. As you look up into the night sky, allow the stars to remind you of the souls who have passed, of the souls who need your love. Breathe and open your heart to them. You may discover, with a little boost, they are lighting the way to new beginnings. Hust think about the kind of world we would be in if everyone just did these simple acts of love. Envision them, see them happening, act on them yourself. Your feelings and actions will have a ripple effect that will be the greatest gift you can give this season. Thank you for sharing your love and remember “God is with you.”

Sending you love and light,



Intuitive Counselling and Angel Card Readings


If you would like to receive some spiritual guidance specifically for you, I am offering intuitive counselling, angel card readings, and angel numerology readings online or in person (in Calgary).




Photo Sources

Photos by M. Young or created with Canva


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