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Intuitive Counselling 

Do you need ​help with life's challenges - understanding why something is happening, making decisions, how to break old patterns? Do you have questions about relationships, health, finances, finding your life purpose? 

An Intuitive Counselling session will help you find answers, reassurance, and guidance to move forward. The session includes an Angel Card Reading and/or Angel Numerology Reading. Book a series of 3 sessions at a discount. 

"Right from the get-go, I knew I was in good hands. Marilyn is very intuitive, was very sensitive to where I was. She was able to make me consider another option going forward in my conflict. This conflict has been in my way for many years now. It was holding me back."

Valerie Porter

"I was nervous not knowing what to expect. Thank you Marilyn for making the sessions feel so relaxing. Your reading and help from the Angels was very positive and that alone made me feel grateful, looking very forward to the future. I wish you much success."


"I have seen first hand the work Marilyn does. She is kind, caring, compassionate and understanding. Her insights are always positive and supportive. Her readings give an accurate message that align you with your purpose."


"Marilyn was somehow able to zero right in on the big overarching issues underlying all of the things going on in all aspects of my life (something I’ve struggled with for a while). I really feel like I had a breakthrough. I also found it fascinating that through the angel cards (which I think are a form of tarot?) the themes were identical to those my astrology are pointing to. It was a great session. I would definitely do it again."



Angel Card Readings

Do you have a straightforward question or simply want to know what information Spirit has for you at this time in your life? Would you like to explore the messages from Spirit privately or would you prefer to be in the company of your friends?

An one-to-one Angel Card Reading only will provide the information you seek. Alternatively, book a group Angel Card Reading session for your next gathering with friends or special occasion and explore the information from Spirit together. (Max 10 people)

*NEW!* 12 Month Angel Messages Reading provides your personalized angel messages for each month of an entire year. 

Note: Complimentary Angel Card Readings are for Soul Messages Self Discovery & Healing Community members ONLY

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"My reading was amazing! The card told me exactly what I’m going through. It guided me and Marilyn also told me what the guides had to say. It was spot on. I’ve been perseverating and I feel so much better. Thankyou Marilyn. Your kind words and big heart were just what I needed. You really helped me."

Karen E.

"I had my daughter in-law's bridal shower and I was looking for some kind of entertainment instead of your typical games played at showers. I came up with the idea of having Marilyn read each of the guests an Angel card. What fun we had! There was a lot of 'OMG how did you know that?!' And a lot of 'that just happened to me on the way here. How could you possibly know this?' All of my guests thought it was such a unique and fun thing to do. Each person could connect with what Marilyn had to say with the card they picked. Would certainly do it again!"

Gina H.

"Marilyn's intuition was spot on with the card reading she performed for me. I was left feeling like  both she, and the Angelic Realm she was working with, fully supported me and my growth forward. She gave perspectives I had thought of, thus confirming my path, and some I hadn't put into words yet.
I highly recommend Marilyn for a reading. Her kindness, and ability to open to Spirit makes her a pure gem!"

Thyra Whitford

" The reading with Marilyn was amazing. She hit the nail right n the head. Very Intuitive. Marilyn is great at what she does."

Linda C

"Marilyn was excellent and very insightful.  I would definitively recommend her to anyone looking for guidance."


Angel Numerology

Are you seeing repeating numbers everywhere recently? Do you have a favourite number that keeps popping up? Are you curious how the numerology of your birth name or birth date influence your life? Would you like to explore the messages the angels are sending you through numbers? Did you know that numbers have a unique vibration that speaks to us? Would you like to learn about the energetic messages associated with your name and birth date?

An Angel Numerology Reading will answer all these questions and more.

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"I had an Angel Numerology and Angel Card reading with Marilyn and it was an amazing experience. First we did the numerology reading. I was packed with bang on information about what is going on in my life and reinforced things that I had been working on, I am on path. The reading was in-depth and concise. Marilyn also intuitively interpreted the information to connect all the points so they were all clear and concise.

And then there was the Angel card reading, the second time for me to be blown away with just how bang on Marilyn is with her connection to her craft. The cards were filled with reenforcing points to the Numerology reading, and at the same time expanded on them in ways that just made so much sense. I now have so much support from these readings that my road just became so much more clear. Thank you so much Marilyn."

Chris Morton

2 For 1 Sessions

In our 2 for 1 sessions you will be receiving guidance and support from 2 gifted intuitive counsellors/healers  in 1 session. These sessions are conducted in the same manner as the Intuitive Counselling sessions. They often have a specialty focus based on the guest counsellor's area of expertise but the flow of the session will be guided by the client's needs. 

Find New Direction in Life

Breaking Free from Life's Challenges 

"Mare and Chris - your guidance and insights into my life problems were truly transformative, and I cannot thank you enough for the deep understanding you provided.

From the moment our session began, I felt a genuine sense of care and compassion from both of you. Your ability to tap into my energy and provide meaningful guidance was truly remarkable. The way you conveyed your messages was exactly what I needed to hear, and it brought profound clarity to my situation.

You both have a unique gift of understanding and a genuine desire to help others. I felt completely at ease and comfortable opening up to you, knowing that I was in the hands of compassionate and trustworthy individuals. I feel a renewed sense of purpose and a clearer direction forward. Your guidance has provided me with the tools and perspectives I needed to navigate my challenges and make positive changes.

Thank you, Mare and Chris, for your intuitive counseling service!"


Do you have questions about what your experience will be like?

See more "Testimonials" and the "What To Expect" section below.

Still have questions? Contact us at or via our Contact page.

  • How do I know which service is best for me?
    You will find information about the various services throughout the FAQ’s. There are also several testimonials here – Testimonials. If you would like to know more about Intuitive Counselling or still can’t decide which service would best suit your needs, you are invited to book a 15 minute Complimentary Consultation. The consultation is also an opportunity to discover whether Marilyn and a guest counsellor (if considering a 2 for 1 session) would be a “fit” for you. Learn more here – Complimentary Consultation.
  • How are the sessions conducted?
    The majority of sessions are conducted via Zoom. A Zoom link will be provided via email once your booking request has been approved. If you do not have access to Zoom, arrangements can be made to meet over Facetime, Facebook Messenger, or via phone. All sessions are conducted from a private office area so that client confidentiality is maintained. If an in-person meeting is requested (in the Calgary area only), arrangements may be made to meet in the client’s home. The area designated for the session should be private and with minimal interruption. All sessions can be recorded if you prefer. A link to the Zoom recording will be forwarded via email within 48 hours of the session. We may also discuss audio recording of sessions via other modalities to be done on your device.
  • How is my privacy protected?
    Please review and agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and medical Disclaimer prior to booking any session. The links to these documents are found in the footer, at the bottom of every page on the Soul messages website.
  • Can I book a session for my child?
    Yes! You most certainly can. Your child must understand what the session entails (based on their age) and be in agreement to participating in the session. Readings can also be done for infants and toddlers as long as they are comfortable during the session. A legal guardian must be present for the entire session for any child under the age of 18 years (or other age as per the laws in your province, state, or territory/country).
  • Can I have another person attend my session with me?
    Yes! You certainly can have another person attend with you for support although the session will be focused on information from Spirit for you only.
  • How do I book my session?
    Booking a session is easy! Just follow these steps: 1. Start by going to our Book Online page 2. Choose which session you would like to book and click on “Read More & Book” 3. On the purple booking page ensure you have selected the correct service and time frame. Then please ensure that you read all of the information under “Service Description” and “Cancellation Policy”. Once this is done click on “Request to Book.” 4. On the next page click on the date on the calendar that you would like to book your session on. (Note: the dates in grey with the dot below the number are the dates with sessions available) Then click on the time of your choice – the outline of the box that you click on will go grey. Then click on “Request to Book.” 5. On the next page complete “Client Details.” If you are only booking 1 session click on “Request to Book.” You may click on “Add to Cart” if you are booking more than 1 session and then repeat steps 1-5 for each session. 6. The final page will be a confirmation of the booking request. You will also receive an email with a copy of the information for the booking you requested. 7. Once the booking request is reviewed and approved (within 24 hrs of your request), you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom session invite. Click on “yes” under the invitation in your email. There will be a calendar attachment to open with the meeting details. 8. If you have any difficulty, please email us at
  • How do I pay for my session?
    You will receive an invoice by email within 48 hrs after your session. Payment can be made via e-transfer (within Canada), Stripe or PayPal. Please indicate your payment type preference and a pay link will be provided with the invoice if paying via credit card or PayPal.
  • What if I can only afford a partial session?
    If you are wanting support and guidance but our fees create a hardship please contact us at to discuss further.
  • What is an Intuitive Counselling session?
    The goal of an Intuitive Counselling session is to provide answers or guidance for any question or life challenge you may be experiencing. Information provided is rooted in Marilyn's professional experience, life experience as an empath and a healer, as well as messages from the spiritual realm - Guides, Angels, Ascended masters, passed loved ones, etc. - accessed through her gifts of claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairvoyance.
  • Where does the information come from that is provided in an Intuitive Counselling session?
    As an Empath, Marilyn may feel your emotions or physical concerns and send healing to them. As an Intuitive she will also tune into what she hears, feels, or sees for you at the time regarding your questions or concerns. Most times she will “just know” the information that comes from Spirit (Angels, Guides, Source, other dimensional beings, passed loved ones). If you have booked a 2 for 1 session, the other Intuitives that she work with approach the session in the same manner. The information will come in different forms - words, colours, pictures, numbers, crystals, Spirit animals or feelings that will have meaning for you and bring some healing. Sometimes specific Angels come through or information about a past life. Marilyn will often provide an in-depth Angel Card Reading using tools such as Angel Oracle Cards or other decks such as animal, crystal or starseed – whichever she is guided to use. She may also include Angel Numerology referring to the meaning of specific numbers that come up during the session, numbers that you may have been seeing repeatedly, or that numbers refer to your Life Path number. She may also refer you to other resources that might be helpful for you.
  • What type of information is provided in an Intuitive Counselling session?
    Each session is unique to the individual and their current life circumstances so the type of information also varies. All of the information provided will be related to the current issues or question. Information is provided as guidance or suggestions. Everyone has free will and can choose to accept the guidance/suggestions or not based on how they resonate with you. Information provided may include but is not limited to: · Information about your spiritual gifts · Information about relationships · Information about health (physical and emotional) issues and strategies for healing · Information about past lives · Information about the root cause of current issues/life lessons · Information on actions to consider to move forward in resolving issues · Suggestions for learning · Messages from passed loved ones · Messages from your guides or angels who may be present during the session Please note that the information in sessions will NOT: · Predict the future. · Provide information about others – information is only about and for the client in the session.
  • What is an Angel Card Reading?
    An Angel Card Reading provides answers or guidance for any question or life challenge you may be experiencing using oracle or tarot cards to illustrate the messages coming forward from Spirit. The messages from the spiritual realm - Guides, Angels, Ascended masters, passed loved ones, etc. – are accessed through Marilyn’s gifts of claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairvoyance.
  • What kind of cards are used during an Angel Card Reading?
    During an Angel Card Reading you are offered your choice of several decks. The selection may include decks bringing messages in through angels, animals, crystals, goddesses, ascended masters, elementals, or the elements (e.g. water) etc. Some decks have messages specifically for Starseeds. Other decks are simply channelled messages to the deck’s authors with no specific theme. The decks may be oracle decks or tarot decks but do not include a traditional tarot deck. Marilyn is guided by Spirit prior to the session which selection of decks to offer. Sometimes, once you have chosen a deck, another deck will indicate it also has a message for you so Marilyn will draw a card from that deck towards the end of the session/reading
  • How many cards are used during an Angel Card Reading?
    · An Angel card Reading booking is for a one-on-one session that will provide insight into your complex questions with a 3-card reading. · Complimentary Introductory 15-minute Angel card Reading will provide a brief answer to a simple question with a 1 card reading. · Group Angel Card Readings provide a brief answer to a simple question with a 1 card in person reading each participant in the group. · When an Angel Card Reading is integrated into an Intuitive Counselling session, the card spread used is specific to the client’s question so may include only between 3 to 9 cards.
  • What type of information is provided during an Angel Card Reading?
    Each session is unique to the individual and their current life circumstances, so the type of information also varies. All of the information provided will be related to the current issues or question. Information is provided as guidance or suggestions. Everyone has free will and can choose to accept the guidance/suggestions or not based on how they resonate with you. Information provided may include but is not limited to: · Information about your spiritual gifts · Information about relationships · Information about health (physical and emotional) issues and strategies for healing · Information about past lives · Information about the root cause of current issues/life lessons · Information on actions to consider moving forward in resolving issues · Suggestions for learning · Messages from passed loved ones · Messages from your guides or angels who may be present during the session Please note that the information in sessions will NOT: · Predict the future. · Provide information about others – information is only about and for the client in the session.
  • What is a 12 Month Angel Messages Reading?
    The 12 Month Angel Messages Reading includes one angel card for each month of the year that provides messages from Spirit specific to your situation or questions. The year covered can be any 12 month period (Example: Jan-Dec, birthday to the next year's birthday, etc.). A written summary will provided including a photo of each card.
  • What is a Group Angel Card Reading?
    Group Angel Card Readings are conducted in person in the client’s home or other arranged physical space that the client has secured. The group reading provides a brief answer to a simple question with a 1 card reading (10-15 minutes) for each participant in the group (Maximum 10 people). The readings may be provided privately or within the group setting dependant on the physical setting for the group reading. Clients may choose to record the reading or take a photo of the card with their phone.
  • What is Angel Numerology?
    Angel Numerology is looking at the numbers in your life from the combined perspective of traditional numerology and angel numbers. Numerology looks at the vibration of specific numbers in your name and birthdate in terms of their impact over the span of your lifetime. Angel numbers bring you messages from the angels as certain times in your life, so we look at those messages in the context of your specific numerology as well as what is happening in your life at that time.
  • Can Angel Numerology tell me about the repeating numbers I keep seeing??
    Yes! Repeating numbers are one way that our angels are communicating with us. Each angel number from 0-9 has a specific meaning. When you see the same number repeated that meaning is intensified. When you see the same sequences of numbers repeatedly, they tell a story. During your Angel Numerology session, we will discuss any repeating numbers you have been seeing in the context of your life circumstances at that time.
  • What type of information is provided in an Angel Numerology session?
    In an Angel Numerology session, we will look at some basic aspects of your numerology – life path, expression number, heart’s desire number, personality number, personal year & personal month. This information is prepared prior to the session. Therefor it is important to provide your full birth name and birthdate when booking an Angel Numerology session. We will also discuss any repeating numbers you are noticing as well as angel number oracle or tarot card spread and what messages from Spirit are provided in it. A written report is provided in addition to the Zoom recording. Each session is unique to the individual and their current life circumstances, so the type of information also varies. All of the information provided will be related to the current issues or question. Information is provided as guidance or suggestions. Everyone has free will and can choose to accept the guidance/suggestions or not based on how they resonate with you. Information provided may include but is not limited to: · Information about your spiritual gifts · Information about relationships · Information about health (physical and emotional) issues and strategies for healing · Information about past lives · Information about the root cause of current issues/life lessons · Information on actions to consider moving forward in resolving issues · Suggestions for learning · Messages from passed loved ones · Messages from your guides or angels who may be present during the session Please note that the information in sessions will NOT: · Predict the future. · Provide information about others – information is only about and for the client in the session.
  • What are 2 for 1 sessions?
    In 2 for 1 sessions, you will be receiving guidance and support from 2 gifted intuitive counsellors/healers in 1 session. Both the guest counsellor and Marilyn will provide in depth intuitive guidance from Spirit based on your questions. These sessions often have a specialty focus based on the guest counsellor's area of expertise, but the flow of the session will be guided by the client's needs. 2 for 1 sessions are conducted the same as Intuitive Counselling sessions and include a detailed angel card reading from Marilyn. The guest counsellor may or may not provide a card reading. For more information see the Intuitive Counselling FAQ’s.
  • What type of information is provided during a 2 for 1 session?
    Each session is unique to the individual and their current life circumstances, so the type of information also varies. All of the information provided will be related to the current issues or question. Information is provided as guidance or suggestions. Everyone has free will and can choose to accept the guidance/suggestions or not based on how they resonate with you. Information provided may include but is not limited to: · Information about your spiritual gifts · Information about relationships · Information about health (physical and emotional) issues and strategies for healing · Information about past lives · Information about the root cause of current issues/life lessons · Information on actions to consider moving forward in resolving issues · Suggestions for learning · Messages from passed loved ones · Messages from your guides or angels who may be present during the session Please note that the information in sessions will NOT: · Predict the future. · Provide information about others – information is only about and for the client in the session.
  • What is the difference between the two different 2 for 1 sessions offered?
    Both 2 for 1 sessions can provide information and support regarding any challenge you are experiencing or simply provide the information Spirit has for you at this time in your life. The Break Free from Life’s Challenges sessions are with guest counsellor, Anika Stasiak, who has additional expertise and skills in working with relationships, especially Twin Flame relationships. Learn more here – Break Free From Life’s Challenges. The Find Direction in Your Life sessions are with guest counsellor, Chris Morton, who has additional expertise and skills in assisting men on their spiritual journey. Learn more here – Find a New Direction in Life
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Still not sure which service is for you?

Book a Complimentary Consultation

to discover what is available for you.

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