Today, Spirit has messages for you from the beautiful Mystical Wisdom Card Deck created by Gaye Guthrie. This deck is so fitting for the end of our first month in a year of transformation as it was created with the intention of “bringing peace and comfort” to “inspire and uplift” you. The cards offer guidance for the present and future with the acknowledgement that “you hold within you the power to change your life and the free will to choose circumstances.” (Source: Mystical Wisdom Guidebook) This year is exactly about connecting with and believing in that power within. Today’s card shows us the direction we are headed in as we harness that power. The card is New Beginnings.
My Messages
This beautiful card reminds us of the energy of the “1 month” we are just completing in a “9

year.” We have just come through a month where we have had opportunities to set a course for new beginnings as we release the old energy of people, places, things, beliefs, and experiences that no longer serve us. As we move through this year of “wrapping things up,” of completing cycles, we take the learning and healing from our past and become a “new person.” As we transform, we will be like the phoenix on the card rising from the ashes. From the old comes the new. Some of us, however, feel as if the ashes have yet to transform, that the phoenix has yet to begin to form, as we feel uncertain as to what is next. We may have expected instant answers after releasing old beliefs, old ways of thinking, old ways of doing things, etc. However, many are finding themselves in a “holding pattern” waiting to discover what’s next. Waiting for the phoenix to rise. This year will call for patience as we go through several cycles of release and discover new parts of ourselves as we grow. The phoenix may not be totally transformed and ready to rise until the end of the year.
Interestingly, the phoenix is rainbow coloured which reminds me of Archangel Raziel who is the holder of the Divine mysteries. He helps us to understand our spiritual gifts which many of you will become aware of this year or will experience shifts in the gifts you are already working with. The phoenix, representing change, reminds us that no matter what dark times we may feel we are in, that relief is on the way so to have hope. The golden sun behind the phoenix in the image shows us the “brighter times” we are heading into. All we need is to trust that we are being guided on our path.
The peacock feathers in the bird’s tail tell us that more opportunities, more change, more growth, is coming for us – this is the essence of 2025! So, as we change and grow, we might choose to step back and be the observer, to look at the events in our lives without emotion or attachment. Instead, Spirit is saying to “become curious about what is happening around you and to you.” As the observer, we will more clearly see the lesson we are meant to learn. This will help us to cope with the quick pace of change this year will present to us.

The fire that the phoenix is rising from not only transmutes the old into the new, but it also represents our passion. As part of our growth and transformation this year, we are encouraged to follow our passion, to be true to who we are and what we are passionate about. When we are living our passion, we are coming form the heart. We are heart centred, versus in our head, living out our thoughts, and perhaps the fears of the ego. Our passion is also embodied in creativity, which is again, supported by Archangel Raziel. As we follow our passion, we raise our vibration and can attract the positivity into our lives that we need and deserve. As difficult as some periods of letting go and learning may be, Spirit is encouraging us to be passionate, to be excited about this process of transformation as it is bringing in amazing new beginnings for us.
The bottom border of the card is orange which is the colour of balance. The image shows a balance of fire and the water of the winding river in the distance. The image of the phoenix is also balanced between “heaven and earth.” This is a reminder to balance our energy and focus between living in the material world and the spiritual world. As we change and grow spiritually this year, we will still need to stay grounded and keep pace with the physical world around us as well as in the body. One a larger scale, Spirit is also saying that we will be challenged to maintain balance between our inner peace and coping with the chaotic changes in our external world.
All of what this year brings is part of beginning “your new life.” Spirit wants you to know that you are supported and will be guided through any challenges because you are meant to “level up” as part of your journey to a “new you.” Each time you experience a change in yourself or your world, it is a “new beginning” for you. This is the time to build on these new beginnings and this card confirms that the process of transforming into the new you has begun. You will be ready for the even bigger new beginnings that 2026 will bring.
Guidebook Messages
“New beginnings burst with assertive confidence and excitement, marking the start of a new direction full of adventure. You are in a good position to use your abilities and desires to reach your full potential. You are being guided to act now and use this creative energy and enthusiasm to get this project successfully underway. You are being driven by a creative force.
Mantra: I am excited and ready for a new beginning.”
I hope this reading was helpful for you. As you continue to focus on the image on the card,

listen for the messages it brings specifically for you. As you get ready for positive change to propel you forward in your transformation to the “new you,” remember you can call on Archangel Raziel or all of your spiritual team to assist you. The energy of the world is changing and so are you. Embrace the new beginnings you encounter and know you are growing in leaps and bounds this year, supported as always, by the Divine. It is time for all of us to move forward together.
I would love to hear your feedback about how this card’s message has resonated with you. If you find that you are wanting some assistance with your transformation, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).
Sending love and light,
If you would like to learn more about animals, colours, or the meaning of numbers, here are a few resources I have found helpful:
Mystical Wisdom Card Deck & Guidebook by Gaye Guthrie
Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser
Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals by Dr. Steven Farmer