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2025 - A Year of Transformation for Healers

Marilyn Young

Happy New Year! And so, a new year begins – welcome 2025! This past week as the last

days of 2024 slipped from our grasp, Spirit brought in some final big challenges for the year for my family and me and with them many more lessons. You see, as I began to write this earlier this week, I was sitting at my husband’s bedside in the hospital while he awaited emergent surgery. Reflecting on this past week, it was the suitable ending for a year of abundant challenges. It has been a week of final letting go of even more things! Like many of you, we thought we had persevered through a year of letting go and learning hard lessons and yet here we were again! The benefit for me though, has been a deeper understanding of healing yet to come and of my role as a healer.


Another Round of Lessons in Responsibility


This week has given me so many things to reflect on and make decisions about as we move into the energy of 2025. My husband had been ill off and on for a few weeks with confusing and acute symptoms. As we worked with his doctor to address them, the old advice from Spirit that I had received almost two years ago, and more recently just last month, spoke up clearly again – “Guide, don’t decide.” My life lesson in responsibility was coming to be tested once more. Trying to put my fears aside, I provided him with information to consider as he navigated the medical system making his own choices about physician consultations and treatments.


When anyone in my family falls ill, I feel subconsciously responsible for helping them to recover, to feel better. I hate seeing them in pain or suffering. My heart literally aches for them. My first instincts are to find solutions/cures and I feel helpless if I can’t find the answer or when the “cure” is taking too long. The empath in me sometimes subconsciously takes on the energy of their illness while sending healing to them. All I want to do is hold them close and MAKE them feel better, but I can’t. Can you relate to any of this?

As I work through this life lesson which has given me MANY opportunities to learn over the years, I think I am finally taking to heart what I intellectually accepted a long time ago. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I know that I can only really be responsible for my own life and journey. I know that my loved ones have their own purpose and designated path to follow with their own specific lessons to learn. I know that physical health problems, like everything else in our lives, serve our highest good and/or are there to teach us something. Even though I know all of this, my first reaction to a loved one being ill is still worried, rooted in fear. This time though, I realized that in order to release the fear, as a healer, I still need to truly believe in my heart, not just in my head, that these concepts are true. When I accept, deep down, that we all have our individual journeys, and we are not responsible for the journey of others no matter how awful or hard that journey looks, it becomes easier to push the fear aside until eventually it does not rear its ugly head at all. When I remember that we are all constantly supported by the Divine and that everything happens on Divine purpose I will grow my unwavering trust in the Divine. When I feel in my heart that we are all loved and supported by the Divine every minute of every day, why would I need to be afraid or worry?

“First You Must Cry”

As I worked through the events of the past few weeks, Spirit has given me some alone time to develop that deeper trust, to really FEEL it in my heart and to escape worry. One night after spending a long day with my husband at the hospital, I returned home exhausted and broke down. I couldn’t stop the tears for quite a while, and as they flowed, I actually felt a cathartic release from my heart space. I voiced all of the fears as they poured out of me. Eventually the tears stopped, and as I pondered what had just happened, I was reminded of a message I

had hear from Spirit a few weeks prior. We were dealing with my husband’s health issues and I was exhausted and frustrated because we were not finding the answers to help him. As I sat to meditate that day, I heard very clearly, “First you must cry.” Then in my meditation, my Guides, my white dragon, and my guardian Angels surrounded me in a group hug. Next, they were joined by Archangel Michael, my family, and a huge crowd of spiritual beings of light. Lastly, my grey dragon grew in size and spread his wings to encircle the entire group. The love I felt was so overwhelming that all I could do was cry. As I sat in the middle of that circle of love, I saw all the tired energy dissipate from me and the space was filled with love. Each time I remember that event, I am overcome by the feeling of love that drives out the fear.

Spirit has also shown me how powerful that belief and trust can be when held by a community. This past week we are so grateful to so many friends and family who have sent love and healing to us. Feeling that love and support again brought tears just from feeling that overwhelming love. There is no doubt in my mind that everyone’s faith and trust in the Divine supporting his healing had a huge impact on my husband’s quick recovery. That loving energy continues to support us even now. He continues to heal, and I repeatedly feel that overwhelming love replace the remaining remnants of fear in my heart. Each time I allow that to happen, the tears well up reassuring me that what I am feeling is genuine. Now, as I look to the future, I feel calmer and know it will hold exactly what each of us need.


A “Balanced” Healer


These past few weeks have also presented me with a challenge about my role as a healer. I experienced the challenge of balancing my “nursing side” – my thoughts as a once registered nurse as I researched all the information I could about tests and treatments for my husband – and my intuition and guidance from my spiritual side where I was receiving reassuring messages that he would be alright and to use my healing abilities to help him. This push-pull between the “old me”, the retired nurse, and the “new me” – the spiritual practitioner, reflects the challenge of balance some of us may face in 2025. This particular lesson in balance for me is not new either, but it is definitely more accelerated this time. Just as many of us have experienced the acceleration of old issues coming up to finish dealing with, this lesson in discovering who I am as a healer is moving forward quickly.


I have never thought I needed to throw away my knowledge, skills, and expertise as a registered nurse nor have I wanted to. What has become clearer this time, is that what I am releasing or moving on from is how I used to use the knowledge, skills and expertise. Although I have always had strong intuition and listened to it throughout my nursing career, I more often defaulted to the prescribed science, taking action out of fear that if that action wasn’t taken, things for the patient would eventually get worse. What I realize today, is that my skillset as a nurse is only half the equation to helping others heal. What I have discovered

this time around is that skillset helps me to focus my intuitive, energetic healing. Because of my background, I am able to visualize organs involved and “see” when they are healthy or not. What I am still learning to do is to forget about the questions regarding what caused the dis-ease in a part of the body, to forget about the precise physiology and the fear of the most drastic potential outcome, and to forget about what tests or medical treatments should be done. Instead, I am learning to stay in the moment with what I see and offer whatever healing I am guided by Spirit to provide. Sometimes that is simply sending healing energy to the area. Other times it is working energetically to remove a blockage or diseased tissue. I am often working with Archangel Raphael, the Archangel of Healing, or one of my guides whose specific focus is healing, or even with the other person’s guides or angels.

I am remembering to always cast aside any fear and offer the healing with love. I say “offer” because as the lessons in responsibility have taught me, it is up to the person receiving the healing to decide, consciously or subconsciously, whether they will accept it. I am also learning to put aside any expectations of outcome and trust that Spirit will orchestrate the best outcome for the person receiving the healing. I found that if I stayed too much with my “nursing side,” I would expect a certain outcome and then after working with someone, if that outcome was not achieved, I felt as if I had failed, and lost confidence or became confused with how I should offer healing. This latest opportunity with offering healing to my husband has finally helped me understand that the outcome is “none of my business,” and I am offering healing unconditionally. After all, we are all healers in our own right. It is really the person who decides and heals themselves. As healers we are only the conduits for the energy that the person decides to integrate or not. Perhaps as more people discover their spiritual gifts, many will have a similar journey in their role as a healer. What about you?


A New Type of Healer


I understand that 2025 will be a year of taking a last stand with many challenges, a year of wrapping things up and preparing for new beginnings, a year of transformation. During my time at the hospital this past week, I couldn’t help but wonder if the building itself was ready to transform. Almost sixty years past its grand opening, it felt sad and neglected. Its peeling lino floors muddied with the footprints of scores of visitors each day, have long lost their sheen. The scratched, gouged, and cracked walls are in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint. The spare stretchers, cleaning carts, supply carts and laundry baskets line the hallways creating an obstacle course for patients slowly ambulating clutching to their IV poles for support. Stationed outside the patient rooms are still more carts sporting computers that staff spend hours at documenting the care they provide on an endless number of screens versus writing a narrative on a few sheets of paper as we once did. As I felt a deep sadness for the old building with its scars and lost days of splendor, I had to wonder if it wasn’t a metaphor for the crumbling of the old system of health care, a system that needs to change, a system that will transition into something even better.


As much as the physical environment did not present an uplifting work environment, the staff within it gave me hope for healing in the future. We are so grateful for the skills and

dedication of the staff who worked within those tired walls. To me, some of the physicians felt as if they were not quite following “protocol” but were making some intuitive choices with the care they offered and a few of the nurses saw and treated my husband as a whole person, not just a diagnosis. They took the time to listen to him and his story and did not just focus on vital signs and medications. He benefitted greatly from this kind of care. Reflecting on our time there, I wonder how many of the care providers acknowledge their spiritual gifts as healers and are actively integrating the “medical system” with their “spiritual system.”

So, these past few weeks have inspired me to continue my journey as an evolving spiritual healer. Just as the old building appears to be crumbling, it still stands on a strong foundation to house the relentless daily onslaught of new patients in need of healing. So too, do my nursing skills from a history almost as old as that building, still provide a foundation from which to grow my gifts as a spiritual healer. As I integrate that foundation with my gifts, I hope I can help others do the same, to transform into a new type of healer. What about you? Are you a healer? Are you ready to grow and transform? Join me. The world needs us.

Sending you love and light,



Intuitive Counselling and Angel Card Readings


If you would like to receive some spiritual guidance specifically for you, I am offering intuitive counselling, angel card readings, and angel numerology readings online or in person (in Calgary).




Photo Sources

Photos by M. Young or created with Canva

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I love reading your newsletters!! May you and your husband have a happy new year filled with optimum health and prosperity!



Sending love and support to you and your husband Marilyn

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