How have you been doing making your way through the intense energies of the Lion’s Gate portal and then the Full Blue Supermoon of this month? Today’s card is perfectly aligned with the expanded consciousness and transformation that the Lion’s Gate brought to us, as well as the intense energies of the Blue Supermoon which sees the fruition of our last New Moon’s intentions and begins the time of releasing all that does not serve us in readiness for the next New Moon. The card comes from a deck that we haven’t heard from for almost a year. However, in the last 2 weeks, I believe due to the recent intense celestial energies, this deck has not only come forward and offered additional cards for individual readings, but it has also offered the card for today’s Angel Messages. The card is Sword of Light from the Gateway of Light Activation Oracle created by Kyle Gray.
As previously mentioned, according to the author of the deck, these cards are “a window, a stargate, a gateway that allows you to travel energetically through time and space to connect with divine guidance, whether from the infinite intelligence of the universe, divine beings, your own spiritual anatomy, or the highest form of intelligence within.” He explains that the cards mirror the messages within you and using the cards gives permission to uncover those deep messages. The messages within you are accessed through your heart. They remind you of your innate power, wisdom, and connection to the universe because you ARE the Universe. The word activation refers to activating the knowledge and wisdom within us that we carry from many lifetimes. Many of our gifts lie dormant but through activation the energy within will be awakened to support our spiritual development. The card may take you on a journey, but the wisdom gained will bring you back to a stronger, more centred, and powerful you.
My Messages:
Protection and Release
The Sword of Light gateway comes to us to facilitate and support us as we transform in our
spiritual growth accelerated in this most recent time of intense energy. The sword is wielded by Archangel Michael, but he represents all of the angelic realm who want us to know that they support us as we ascend along with Mother Earth. The Sword of Light represents Divine protection. As Divine beings coming from the light of Source, we need to remember that everything happens as Divine intended. We are safe because we are part of the Divine. All that occurs along our journey is as it is intended to be for our highest good.
So, if we are always safe within the Divine, why do we see an image of a sword and the words “Cords cut?” Spirit explains that we are being assisted to release all things, people, places, situations, energies, etc. that no longer serve us. Now, I know especially the beginning of this year was also a time for massive release as we made way for manifesting amazing new things in our lives with the energy of this “eight year” of abundance. However, with the new energies that came in with the Lion’s Gate, Spirit now wants to support us in our personal transformation in our ascension journey. This is perfect timing as the release is amplified by the enhanced energy of the recent Blue Supermoon. Spirit is saying, “IT IS TIME!” It is time to release old beliefs and thoughts that hold us back in fear. It is time to release actions that are taking us in a direction away from our purpose. It is time to learn from and work through challenges releasing patterns that we have repeated over and over. It is time to release relationships with those whose values and beliefs are no longer aligned with our journey. It is time to release any negative self concepts that we hold and to begin to see ourselves as the Angels see us – Divine and loving light beings. It is time to reconnect with the wisdom and light within.
I have two personal examples of when Archangel Michael came in very recently for me with his Sword of Light. In the first instance, I was shown a “shadow me” in the cosmos with a shadow of a cord attached to another version of “me” as a light being on earth standing in a swirl of chaos. The “shadow me” was pulling on the cord and pulling the “light being me” up from the chaos and into the cosmos. Thinking this was a good thing, I was shocked and confused when Archangel Michael suddenly came in and cut the cord! Then he looked at me and said, “It is time to soar,” to which my body responded by growing huge beautiful opalescent wings and I rapidly rose into the cosmos to be with my Guardian Angels and Guide who were waiting there for me! The second instance in the same meditation showed me an energetic “ball and chain” that I had placed around my ankle for this life to keep me grounded. Archangel Michael cut it off with one fell swoop of his sword telling me I was “free to fly,” free to be me, my true self. I believe Archangel Michael was telling me, as this card is telling all of us, to release whatever is holding us back from transforming into a higher form of ourselves as we journey closer to fulfilling our purpose. I know these may seem very strange examples but sometimes Spirit shows us strange and beautiful things to get their point across!
As we work with this gateway it shows us the white flames of the Divine transmuting what no longer serves us. The predominant golden yellow in the brilliant background is the colour of Archangel Uriel who is the Archangel of bright ideas, epiphanies, and transformation. The yellow also reflects the solar energy integration into the Lion’s Gate portal energy and is the colour of our solar plexus chakra reminding us to step into our power as our true selves. You may still be experiencing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual effects of that energy as discussed in our last Angel Messages Newsletter – Archangel Power – 6 of Ariel. Allow Source to support you as the Sword of Light releases any residual effects clearing the way for you to move forward on your path.
The symmetry of the image on this card as well as the striking colour orange bring in the concept of balance. The darker and lighter tones of the colours show us that we need both to complete the image. Both the light and dark are needed as they are in our journey. Most people tend to want to avoid or escape the dark – negative feelings and experiences. However, we need to experience the dark to recognize and move into the light just as Spirit showed me in my example above where the “shadow me” was helping “me the light being” ascend. When we have worked through the shadows, learned the lessons, overcome fears, we can be free to move forward just as Archangel Michael showed me when he cut the cord in my meditation.
The symmetry of the image also reminds us that we need balance in this physical world we are in between the Spiritual realm and the physical realm – “as above, so below.” As we work on our spiritual growth, as our gifts expand, and as we reconnect with our inner light, we still need to acknowledge and interact with the physical world that our physical bodies exist in.
Remain Heart Centred
The green circle behind the sword but in the centre of the image is a reminder to approach this time of transformation from the heart. Being heart centred helps us stay connected to our inner light, to the divine beings that we are as part of the light of source. Being heart centred also helps us release anything that no longer serves us with compassion and gratitude. Being heart centered helps us stay open to receive the new gifts/energies/messages from Spirit that are coming to us. Being heart centred keeps us in the vibration of love which elevates us along our ascension path. Green is also the colour of communication – reminding us of the communication possible with our higher self, communication possible with Spirit for support, and communication with or fellow humans who we are all connected to. Green is also the colour of Archangel Raphael, the Archangel of Healing. To transform, we must heal both as individuals and as the global humanity. The Sword of Light can release us from any barriers to being heart centred, healing, and communication.
The blue ring around the green is the colour of Archangel Michael protecting or preserving what is “at the heart of us.” The other more subtle colours of the card remind us to move forward in joy (pink) and that our connection to Spirit (purple) is a firm foundation for our transformation. All of the angels are supporting us in the “breakthrough energy” of this gateway as we break free from anything holding us back from our spiritual growth and move forward along our path.
Guidebook Messages:
“The Sword of Light is the main energetic tool of Archangel Michael, the prince of heaven. His name means ‘He who is like God,’ and he is considered Source’s right-hand man. He is the archangel who has chosen to guide and protect all lightworkers – anyone who is feeling called to make a difference on this planet can be guided and supported by him.
The Sword of Light has been pictured as both a spear of light and a lightning bolt. Either way, it is a powerful symbol of truth and spiritual power. Even though it is carried by Michael, it can be invoked by all of those working in the light to help them move beyond blockages and limitations and to sever cords of fear. Joan of Arc invoked it when she was going into battle.
Visualize yourself engulfed in golden light. Say ‘Sword of Light, thank you for cutting the unnecessary cords that bind me to fear. I stand in truth and light, fulfilling the call of my soul.’
Your Message
When this card comes to you, know that it is confirmation that you are walking the path of light and responding to pre-incarnation soul contracts to make a difference on the planet. It’s also a sign that you have the opportunity to sever connections to fears and limitations.
Energetic cords bind us to situations, loved ones, and even the past. But you are in transition now and detaching from unnecessary connections, dramas, and fears. Know that there will be a great severing at this time, and you might feel isolated for a moment, as you will be reconfiguring your circle of trust and moving into a life that is in greater alignment with your highest good. Know that the cords that bind you to loved ones and soul family will remain intact – it’s only the lower vibrational connections that are being severed. Expect breakthroughs and doors of opportunity opening for you. If you feel strongly connected to Archangel Michael, know that his energy is with you now.”
I hope these messages resonate with you. As you navigate your transformation, call on Archangel Michael and his Sword of Light to help you break free from anything holding you back and no longer serving you in your journey.
I would love to hear your feedback. If you would like messages from Spirit specific to you and your transformation, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).
Sending love and light,
If you would like to learn more about spiritual transformation or the meaning of colours, here are a few resources I have found helpful:
Gateway of Light Activation Oracle and Guidebook by Kyle Gray
Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser