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Angel Messages - 6 of Ariel

Marilyn Young

Not coincidentally, as we have just come through the powerful surge of spiritual energy of the Lion’s Gate portal yesterday, the deck that Spirit brought forward to offer today’s angel

messages is the Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck created by Radleigh Valentine. This deck could not be more appropriate for this time as it’s intention to empower you to make positive changes in your life is totally aligned with the energy of the Lion’s Gate. The messages provide hope and inspiration, support and guidance to create your best life at this time of super manifestation with the triple eight energy of yesterday. The card providing messages from Spirit for manifesting our dreams is the 6 of Ariel.

As discussed in past newsletters, this deck works with the Archangels who give us help and assistance when we ask for it. They are messengers of the Divine and work with humanity to provide love, guidance, healing, and support. Of the fifteen major archangels, the four chosen to represent the four suites of the minor arcana of the deck are Gabrielle, Raphael, Michael, and Ariel. The suite of Ariel is about our physical world. The suite deals with parts of our daily life including physical health, career, education, and our planet.

My Messages:

It is important to briefly explain the Aug 8 Lion’s Gate portal as it is so relevant to today’s card. This enhanced energetic period is said to run from July 26 to Aug 12. The spiritual energy of the Lion’s Gate is the alignment of earth with the sun in the astrological sign of Leo, our source of enhanced light and warmth, and the star Sirius, believed to be the source of spiritual light. This combined energy is said to awaken our Divine blueprint and expand our consciousness as we progress towards realizing our highest potential while still present on the physical plane.

So relevant to the Lion’s Gate, Archangel Ariel is known as the “Lioness of God” and

appropriately so, she is often pictured with a lion. In fact, that is the cover photo for this “deck of power.” She helps us to find our courage and power. The sun energy that we find enhanced at this time is associated with the solar plexus chakra which is our energetic power centre. Archangel Ariel has appeared today to remind us to reclaim our power as Divine beings while we connect to our inner light and higher levels of consciousness, remembering who we are. She is there to support us as we transform and evolve spiritually deepening our connection to the Divine and each other.

Have you been experiencing the effects of the Lion’s Gate energy? Some experience physical symptoms such as restlessness or fatigue, emotions that may be suddenly “up and down,” or spiritual changes such as stronger intuition, enhanced spiritual gifts, or feeling a stronger, clearer connection to Spirit. Changes may be subtle or harsh, exciting or scary. Some may not experience anything noticeable as many changes are taking place at a DNA level and the effects will be realized according to each person’s unique timeline. Whatever your experience, know that Spirit is always there supporting you and today Archangel Ariel wants you to know she is there for you as well. Remember too to reach out to others for support. You may find more people than you realize are having a similar experience.

Archangel Ariel is also the archangel of manifestation and Divine magic, helping us to bring in abundance and prosperity in all areas of our lives. As energetic beings we know that we all have the capacity to manifest the life that we want at any time. As the Lion’s Gate energy helps us to transform spiritually and live in a higher vibration, our ability to manifest is enhanced. Additionally, the numerical vibration of the triple eight date (Aug 8, 2024 = the 8th month, 8th day, in an eight year – 2=0+2+4 = 8) supercharges manifestation at this time as eight is the number of manifesting abundance and prosperity according to numerology and angel numbers. Interestingly, Spirit chose this topic for today’s newsletter which is the 44th Angel Messages newsletter I have written since Spirit prompted me to pull the first card for you on Nov 11, 2022. The number 44 also adds up to eight. As the messenger for today, Archangel Ariel confirms for us through her card that “Material needs get fulfilled in magical and unexpected ways” as illustrated by the abundance of apples in the image. What are you manifesting? Spirit wants to remind you, as always, to keep your thoughts positive, believe in yourself and your dreams, and allow Spirit to bring your dreams into reality in the best possible way for you.

Ariel’s colour pink on the card is the colour of joy, perfection, and unconditional love. As you manifest, focus on the joy of what you are creating. More importantly though, pink reminds us to live from the heart as we reconnect with the perfect beings that we are, having come from the light of Source. It reminds us to live from a place of unconditional love seeing that perfect light being in others and to perform “acts of kindness.” This too is part of our spiritual transformation initiated at this time. Can you feel that unconditional love for yourself and others increasing day by day?

The other predominant colour on the card is green, the various shades are the colours of nature, health, communication, creativity, change, and life force.  Archangel Ariel is also associated with nature, the environment, and caring for animals. Nature here is reminding us of all the energetic shifts that Mother Earth is going through as she transforms as well. It is said that Sirius energy is that of the Divine Feminine which is rising as Mother Earth changes. This is the energy of love, compassion, peace and Divine wisdom. Can you feel the effects of the Divine Feminine taking hold in your life?

Spirit is encouraging us to stay grounded just as the tree in the image is, with deep roots into Mother Earth we can still reach upwards towards our highest potential. Our growth will be aligned with that of Mother Earth in the Divine Feminine. Nature is the embodiment of the life force energy that we are all connected to. As connected beings, it is important to remember that just as we feel the impact of the planet’s shifts, so too do others feel the evolution we experience – there is a ripple effect. As we move into a higher vibration so will others.

The green of nature is also supporting creativity or the manifestation of our life we desire. Some of what we may wish to manifest can be related to our health, not only symbolized by the colour green but also by the abundance of apples in the image. Part of the abundance of

health can be recognizing and activating the healer within each of us, the knowledge that we can heal ourselves and some even have the gift to heal others. When it comes to health and evolving, the apples in the two buckets remind us of balance as well. Living on the Earth at this time, we need to balance our material/physical aspects of our lives with the spiritual aspects. The number eight symbolizes balance and the message of “as above, so below.” The card also speaks to giving and receiving, two actions that need to be balanced. Some, often healers, struggle to find this balance as they “over give” and hesitate to receive. Archangel Ariel reminds us that we must learn to receive if we wish to create new things, situations, people, etc. in our lives and above all to act from the heart in gratitude. How is your balance?

The lighting in the image shows the light streaming in from Source and perhaps today, this is also the light from Sirius supporting us, bringing in the Divine Feminine, facilitating our spiritual evolution. The rainbow-coloured light behind Archangel Ariel is symbolic of the rainbow that leads us to the “pot of gold” or abundance. It also brings to mind the magic we can create in our lives. There appears to be two circles of light, or orbs, in front of the tree just above Archangel Ariel. Perhaps they are a symbol of our spiritual team who are there to support us in our journey. Interestingly, the larger darker orb partially behind Ariel and expanding to her right is not in the card’s image, I cannot see it looking directly at the card. It has only appeared in the photo. I have had orbs appearing in another photo recently so “someone” must be with me, perhaps helping me bring these messages to you!

Lastly, this is the Six of Ariel. In numerology, six is the number of responsibility, compassion, community, boundaries, and balance. The six is emphasizing all of the messages we have given above. In angel numbers, six askes us to pay attention to what is happening around us, to be mindful, to take our time and rethink our choices, and to refocus on the positive. What better advice to have for a time of supercharged manifestation? What choices have you made lately? Are you in a mindful space so your choices support your spiritual evolution?

Guidebook Messages:

“There are great blessings in giving and receiving. Material needs get fulfilled in magical and unexpected ways. If you’re the recipient of such a loving gift, then accept it with gratitude and humility. If you have the means to give to those in need, then do so in a compassionate way without asking for anything in return. Keep in mind that gifts do not always have to be financial but can be energetic or take the form of help based on experience.

When giving to others, consider what they truly need. Make gifts that don’t promote dependency, but rather that are well thought out and empower the recipients going forward.

Additional meanings of this card: Pennies from heaven. Promotions or bonuses. Acts of kindness. Scholarships or grants.” 

I hope these messages resonate with you. As you navigate the coming changes and manifest

your new reality, know that “the Universe has your back.” Embrace the Divine Feminine energy and allow the Sirius energy to support you through your spiritual evolution.

I would love to hear your feedback. If you would like messages from Spirit specific to you and your transformation, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).

Sending love and light,



If you would like to learn more about the Archangels, the meaning of numbers, or the Lion’s gate portal here are a few resources I have found helpful:


Authors: (Books available on Amazon)

Radleigh Valentine – Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck

Radleigh Valentine – The Big Book of Angel Tarot

Vikki MacKinnon – Take a Number

Vikki MacKinnon – The Magic of Eight




Radleigh Valentine School – Become a Certified Angel Numerologist

Vikki MacKinnon on Facebook







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