Have some of you ever wondered “is Spirit speaking to me?” Or if your communication with
Spirit has fallen off lately, do you wonder whether Spirit is still speaking to you? The answer to both questions is a resounding “YES!” and that “yes” is for absolutely everyone on the planet. You see, messages from Spirit are not reserved for famed entertainment figures or spiritual leaders. Spirit speaks to everyone and the more we wake up to our own spirituality, the messages become clearer and more frequent. In fact, with the rapid accelerating energy shifts on the planet these last few years, many of you may be “tuning into Spirit” whether you are 100% aware of it or not. For those who are aware, the frequency, the type of messages, and/or who they are from may be changing. So, when it feels as if your communication with Spirit has dropped off, it is in fact, just changing. Sound exciting? Or scary? Let’s look a little closer at this growing “communication network” on our planet.
How Does Spirit Speak to Us?
First, I need to clarify that when I refer to Spirit, I am meaning God/the Creator/Source/the Universe/Allah, Angels, Guides, Ancestors, Ascended Masters (such as Jesus, Buddha, etc.), passed loved ones, elementals (gnomes, fairies, dragons, etc.), as well as our higher self/our inner wisdom that is still connected to Source. Now, you ask, how do all these beings speak to us? Well, as Elizabeth Barret Browning would say, “Let me count the ways.”
Because we live in a physical world, some of the most obvious ways Spirit communicates with us is through physical objects. The most well known or most common signs include finding coins or feathers in unexpected places or seeing images in clouds. When these items pop up in your life take note of who or what comes to mind as that is what spirit is communicating with you about. Other signs include the words in a song, book or article, bumper sticker, advertisements, social media, or parts of a movie dialogue that may speak to you about a question that is on your mind or remind you of someone on the other side. You may see certain numbers or number sequences repeatedly on clocks, electronics, license plates, receipts, or even street signs. These numbers have specific meaning from a numerological and angel number perspective that will resonate with your current life circumstances. Spirit may be informing you of their presence when you see lights flickering, shadows out of the corner of your eye that are gone when you look directly at the same spot, or orbs of light.
Your other senses may also pick up signs from Spirit. You may suddenly smell an odour or have a taste in your mouth that you can’t identify a source for, and it reminds you of someone or a situation – for example, a perfume reminding you of your favourite aunt who has passed. You may experience temperature changes, again with no identifiable source – a coolness on your arm or the room is suddenly warm. Many people experience goosebumps as
confirmation of what they are thinking or speaking about. Certain sounds such as buzzing or ringing in the ears can be conveying messages from Spirit. Other sensations may include pressure around the head (sudden unexplained headaches followed by fatigue can be a sign of a download of spiritual information), unexplainable light-headedness, or a light touch from an invisible source. For example, I often get a very slight tug on the hair at the top of my head when someone is with me. I just haven’t figured out who it is yet! Things in motion may let you know Spirit is present – a candle may flicker, or the flame could extend or lean to the side with no breeze in the room. A book may suddenly fall off a shelf in front of you and the title or the words on the page it fell open to will have meaning for you.
Sometimes Spirit will orchestrate situations or events to occur in our lives to give us a specific message. A simple example is a series of events that delays our departure for somewhere – a spilled coffee, an urgent phone call, not finding your keys – where we find later that we avoided an accident that occurred at the exact time we would have been at that location had we not been delayed. Other times Spirit will speak to us in our dreams. The messages may be a bit cryptic so keeping a dream journal may be helpful to identify the messages from the common threads of information in the dreams.
Spirit can speak to us through other people. That person may receive a channeled or intuitive message for us or they simply “by chance,” may make a comment or bring up a topic that has meaning for us in relation to our situation. Sometimes it is a complete stranger we cross paths with who provides us with a message through a look or their situation. For example, encountering a homeless youth may suddenly open our heart or ignite a passion to serve disadvantaged youth. Spirit also speaks to us through animals and plants. An animal we know well, the family pooch, may nudge us in a certain direction to do something, may bring us an object to pay attention to, or we may just intuitively know “what’s up” when they come to us. Animals that present themselves to us in an obvious manner also have meaning. For example, the magpies that repeatedly show up at my window when I am providing a reading for a client remind me to discuss looking at the magic in life. There are many resources that provide information on the spiritual meaning of specific animals, fish, birds, insects. Plants also speak to us through their growth or lack of it. It is interesting that an overgrowth of a certain plant that appears in our yard is presenting itself for a helpful reason.
Some people may be exploring or have fully developed their spiritual gifts of clairvoyance
(seeing Spirit), clairaudience (hearing Spirit), claircognizance (a “knowing” from Spirit), clairsentience (feeling Spirit) – for detailed descriptions see The Ripple Effect Newsletter - Discovering Your Gifts. Sometimes we refer to these gifts as simply intuition. Other people have the gift of prayer speaking directly to Spirit through prayer. They often see or hear of the results of their prayers very quickly. If you ever want assistance with getting your prayers to Source quickly and receiving a clear answer, work with Archangel Sandalphon to support you and your prayers.
More and more people are making use of divination tools such as oracle cards, tarot cards, pendulums, runes, etc. to highlight or more clearly articulate the messages Spirit is trying to get to us. Kinesthetic testing/muscle testing also helps confirm simple yes/no answers when we ask a question from a neutral place. Automatic writing is another gift that some use to bring in messages from Spirit.
When Does Spirit Speak to Us?
If you are just starting to recognize your connection to Spirit, you may be perceiving messages infrequently and some may be confusing. You may suddenly realize that you are seeing repeating numbers and become curious as to the meaning attached to them. You may keep finding feathers in odd places and they remind you of a passed loved one. You may receive repeated messages from different “human sources” (a friend, the radio, a book, social media) as Spirit’s tries harder and harder to get the message through to you. We will notice signs when we are most present in the moment. This is often during some quiet solitude you gift to yourself, early morning or late at night when less distraction surrounds you, or it may be a time you have carved out intentionally to look, listen, and feel for communication from Spirit.
For some, we may find that Spirit speaks to us the most during a specific activity or in a certain setting. I know when I sit down to journal, I receive answers before I have finished writing down the question. It is as if Spirit knows I am “ready to receive”, “my antennae is up”, so the messages pour in. Many people find it easier to connect to Spirit when in nature – walking along a creek or simply sitting in your garden. Others hear Spirit so clearly when they are in what they feel is a holy place – for example, a church, synagogue, cemetery, or spiritual gathering.
As we pay attention, we will receive more and more from Spirit. We often hear “You only have to ask.” This is so very true. Because we have free will in this human experience, we do need to ask Spirit for assistance, information, and answers to our questions. Spirit is always ready to have a conversation to help and support us to find our way, to explore, and discover the answers that reside within us. They try to choose times and ways to communicate with us that will be most effective. Sometimes they will intervene in our life without us asking when we are headed in a direction that will take us severely off path and affect others. Then they will send a very loud message or intervene physically.
How do I Know it is Spirit Speaking?
Some people are fearful of connecting with Spirit. They may have heard stories of attacks from or attachments of “evil entities” when a person “opens themselves up” to communicate with the spiritual realm. Fear comes from the Ego and can push us to create many negative things in our lives. Remember that the Ego is the mind trying to protect us through various thoughts based in fear. “Don’t do that or you might get hurt.” Rather than angrily casting our Ego aside, we can thank it for trying to keep us safe and can reassure it that we are strong and stand with the Divine and do not need its help. Then gently set it and its fearful thoughts aside.
Much of what we experience in life, if not all, is based on our belief systems. If our beliefs are rooted in fear, we will have fearful thoughts. Once we cast aside those fearful thoughts, we can look at the underlying beliefs and work to change them (see the Ripple Effect Newsletter – Let It Go). If we believe that everything happens as Divine intended, that Spirit always only acts for our highest good, and that our spiritual team of Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, etc. are with us, then we have nothing to fear. If we are still feeling some connection to fear, we can ask Archangel Michael to help us release all things, people, places, situations, beings that no longer serve us. If you need more assistance with releasing fear or have questions about messages that do not seem to come from a positive source, seek out the help of a skilled spiritual teacher or mentor.
Messages from Spirit are always loving. In fact, you may feel an overwhelming sense of unconditional love when Spirit is near. When angels are with me, I am so totally overwhelmed by their unconditional love that it makes me cry! Spirit’s messages most often feel comfortable and sometimes even familiar. They are meant to help and support us, to reassure us, to reconnect us to what we already know as Divine beings, and to usher us further along our life path. Even when we are in the middle of a tough life lesson, the messages we receive will be to help us navigate through that lesson, not necessarily to avoid it, as Spirit knows that working through the lesson will help us learn what we need to grow spiritually. Spirit is there to guide us to a more fulfilled, joyful, and loving life. Sometimes when we are beginning to recognize messages from Spirit, we can confirm the message with testing – pendulum, muscle testing, etc. I finally stopped using testing to “double check” the messages I was receiving when I heard Spirit very clearly affirm a question for the third time with a “Yes, when are you going to believe us the first time?!”
How to Be a Good Listener
So, we know the answer to the question “Is Spirit speaking to you?” is unequivocally “yes.”
However, the more important question is “Are you listening?” As with any communication, it is important to be a “good listener” when communicating with Spirit. Listening is not just referring to hearing with the ears. It starts with being willing to receive messages from Spirit. Sometimes we may consciously or subconsciously block those messages because we don’t want to hear them, or don’t have the time, interest, or energy to address them. When you are ready to take in what is presented to you have patience. Remember that everything happens on Divine timing for our highest good. While you are “listening” become the observer. Be in the moment and take in what is around you – the environment, the people, the events. Set the intention that you will receive information or an answer from Spirit and then pay attention to the smallest details. Become curious. Be flexible and open to answers coming from unexpected places or in an unexpected form. When you do receive messages from Spirit, TRUST what you are receiving. Don’t second guess, don’t judge the message or yourself. Try to find the meaning and applicability of it. If the message is unclear, ask Spirit for more clarity and to deliver the message in a way that you can understand. Know too that some messages are not meant to be deciphered but to just land in your DNA bringing in wisdom that will come forward in your life when the time is right.
It is important to remember that we are all connected, we are all energy, and we are communicating with one another all the time on an energetic level. Empaths are especially aware of that. Whatever method Spirit chooses to communicate with you, it will be specific to you. For example, seeing a grey feather may remind one person of their grandfather but will indicate to a different person that their Indigenous Guide is with them. Therefor it is important that you avoid comparing yourself to others. Decide what signs you want to receive, attach a specific meaning to them, and TELL SPIRIT about your decision. For example, ask Spirit for a specific sign to indicate a specific answer to a question. Lastly, express gratitude for the communication, support, and guidance that you receive. Gratitude invites in more interaction with Spirit and keeps your vibration high so you are more receptive to that communication. As you learn and grow spiritually, the communication will flow easier and more frequently until you are having an ongoing dialogue throughout the day with those who are with you.
As you continue to develop your relationship with your spiritual team, remember that they may
shift and change as you change and as your world changes. New guides may come in, different angels may make themselves available for different challenges that you face, passed loved ones may come forward at different times, etc. Approach your team with an open heart and TRUST. Ask for their help and be grateful for what you receive it. You will benefit immensely from their endless wisdom and unconditional love they have for you. They are there for you, ready and waiting to be part of your journey. Invite them in.
Sending you love and light,
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Intuitive Counselling and Angel Card Readings
If you would like some assistance with receiving spiritual guidance specifically for you, I am offering intuitive counselling, angel card readings, and angel numerology readings online or in person (in Calgary).