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Angel Messages - The Star

Marilyn Young

Spirit was very definite about today’s card being from the Archangel Power Tarot and after pulling the card I know why! It is from the deck’s Major Arcana – these cards describe major events or turning points in our lives. I would dare to say for some, the Christmas season is the time of a major event for them – celebrating the birth of Christ on Christmas Day. For some, this time nearing the end of the year may also present a time for reflection and change. Today’s card gives us much to look forward to in both contexts. It is card #17 The Star.

My Messages:

How more perfectly aligned with Christmas can a card be than The Star? Immediately I am

reminded of the Star of Bethlehem which, in the story of Christ’s birth, guided the wise men to Him to pay homage. In this card, the “star” is shown as one very bright presence in the night sky surrounded by seven smaller stars. The larger star represents Spirit/God/Source which is our guiding light just as was the star that guided the wise men. The seven stars encircling the larger one show that we are supported in every direction that our path might take. They also perhaps represent our Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and others who are part of our spiritual team.

Choosing Joy

Just as Christmas is a “major event” this card also refers to the major event of “A dream come true!” Both events are cause for celebration and joy. Archangel Jophiel appears on the card and she is the archangel of joy, happiness, and seeing the beauty in life. The stars are all illuminating a cascading waterway where at the base, stands Archangel Jophiel. Water represents emotion and the waterway is telling us to allow our emotions to flow. The holiday season can be a time of many varied emotions. We might assume that joy would be the predominant emotion – the joy of giving, the joy of being with loved ones, the joy of remembering God’s love for us as told throughout the story of Jesus. Where do you find joy in your life? Has your dream come true?

For some though, this season may bring about different emotions bubbling to the surface. There may be some sadness or grief at remembering lost loved ones who are no longer present on the physical plane to celebrate with you. Perhaps some experience stress, anxiety, or even depression as they struggle to meet the social and commercial expectations that have become synonymous with the season. Others may experience loneliness if their social circle has changed or diminished, and they find themselves disliking being alone. Still others may express anger or frustration with things, situations, or people that they see as blocks to their enjoyment of the holidays. The never-ending flow of water from the urns Archangel Jophiel is holding tells us that our joy can be never-ending. BUT, if we are not feeling joy how can we ever get to that state of never-ending joy?

Spirit tells me that the answer is simply a matter of choice. They remind us that just as the star illuminates the waterway, Spirit can help illuminate a different perspective for us so we can choose a different response, so we can choose joy. For example, if you are missing a lost loved one, you can know that they can be with you even though they are “on the other side.” The more you sit in stillness, open your heart, and believe that they are there, you will be able to connect. Speak to them, send them your love, and allow yourself to feel theirs. You can even ask for a sign that they are near and then be open to whatever that sign may be. Celebrate the joy of their transition and know that two souls who are connected can never be

apart. You can ask Archangel Azreal to help you connect and Archangel Jophiel to rediscover your joy. If you struggle to meet social expectations, take back your power and find what would bring you joy versus what others might expect of you. When you are joyful, that in itself is a gift to others as they feel and benefit from your happiness. If you are lonely perhaps see this this alone time as a gift. I have many friends who are looking forward to being alone at Christmas. They see the alone time as a the time for self care, or for reflection, gratitude, and planning. They have learned to enjoy being in their own company and know that they are never totally alone as Spirit is always with them. Spirit also wants you to remember that your worth is not dictated by external factors such as expensive gifts or extravagant gatherings but rather is reflected by the beautiful, loving soul that you are. There is no greater gift to give or receive than that of love and compassion. If you are experiencing roadblocks to finding your joy, pause and re-examine them. For example, try to see conflict from the other person’s point of view. Be open. Those blocks are there for a reason and it is not to act as a source of frustration! They are there to help you perhaps learn a timely life lesson, or maybe change direction onto a path that is much more beneficial for you. Do you think you can shift your perspective to find joy where it is lacking in your life?


This card tells us that we are at “the end of a difficult situation.” As we come to the close of 2024 many of us are reflecting on the past year. What started as a year of tremendous excitement over manifesting abundance and prosperity, proceeded as a year of hard work in repeatedly needing to look at releasing things that no longer served us. I know for myself, when I thought I was at the back end of a life lesson, yet another challenge would come up as Spirit asked whether I was certain I was finished with the scenario. So, as we come to the end of a very busy and, for some, a year where there was an abundance of challenges, it is good news that these difficult situations are coming to an end. It is a time to celebrate!

As we embark on 2025, a “nine universal year,” we can take on the optimism and positivity of Archangel Jophiel as we continue to wrap up old projects, issues, relationships, etc. that no longer serve us. Nine is the number of completion. We will be able to finally finish up some life lessons that we have been working through and celebrate as we progress along our path. As we release old toxic emotions, letting them flow, we find room to replace them with joy. What can you release? What new expressions of positivity can you own?

The card tells us “A dream come true!” What is your dream? Believe it can come true and as the card tells us, “Believe in yourself.” Believe that you are worthy of that dream coming true. Believe that you can do whatever it takes to bring that dream into reality. Believe that that

dream belongs to you! One of the best ways to believe in ourselves, is to release self judgement. All those negative thoughts – “You can’t do it. It will never happen.” – perhaps at one time served a purpose in keeping you safe but now they are just keeping you small and you don’t need them anymore. So lovingly release them. Ask Archangel Jophiel to help you turn those negative thoughts into positive ones to bring in your new beginnings, your dreams. Allow yourself to put those thoughts aside and hear the wise guidance of your intuition. We are coming into a year where we can celebrate wrapping things up to make way for new beginnings. We can believe in our ability to meet any challenge and triumph. We can have faith that Spirit is supporting us.

It’s All in The Numbers

This is card number 17. In angel numbers, number one is all about new beginnings, creating what you wish for, and keeping your thoughts positive to create your dreams. The energy of number one is supporting you in doing precisely that once you finish up and release what no longer serves you. Number seven energy is reassurance that you are on the right spiritual path. It emphasizes making good choices. Both numbers provide reassurance that the time is right to manifest your dreams. The two numbers add up to eight which is the angel number for abundance and prosperity. So again, the message is to focus on joy by keeping your thoughts positive so you can create your dreams coming true.

Endless Love and Gratitude

As we wrap up this year, I hope you can all find a place of love and compassion. Despite the rush of the seasonal commercialism, despite the potential grating misalignment of expectations and beliefs when families and friends gather, despite subconscious judgement of

ourselves and others, I hope you can simply be in the moment to discover the peace and love that this season is truly about. I hope you can see and feel the joy and excitement of any children around you. I hope you can open you heart to love and respect all of the perspectives of others on the season because, after all, they are simply their perspectives and do not have to be yours. I hope you can experience the calm beauty of a “silent night” when all that matters in the moment is you, your open heart, and the stars above you sending you love from Source. I hope you take a moment of solitude to allow all of the emotions that no longer serve you to flow out and to allow the joy to flow in. I hope you can experience the profound gratitude of a dream come true!

Guidebook Messages:

“Now is the time to have great faith and hope. The star shines in the heavens as inspiration and as an affirmative sign to you that your plans can be viewed with enthusiasm and confidence. If you’ve been experiencing challenges, you can rest assured that your difficulties will quickly fade into the past. This is the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is a star that you can make a wish upon.

The most important element for your success is believing in yourself. Archangel Jophiel can help you see how beautiful this moment in your life is. Feel inspired to make long term plans and know you will be successful!

Additional meanings of this card: A dream come true. Renewed purpose. Following your intuition. Faith in yourself.

Archangel Jophiel’s name means ‘the beauty of God’. She excels at beautifying any situation or challenge that has arisen. You can also call upon Archangel Jophiel in times of joy and gratitude to help you anchor in your heart the positive energy of that moment” 

I hope these messages resonate with you. As we embrace this magical holiday season that

brings us so many opportunities to grow spiritually, I hope you find peace and love, and I hope your dreams come true!

I would love to hear your feedback. If you would like messages from Spirit specific to you and finding your joy, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).

Sending love and light,



If you would like to learn more about the Archangels or the meaning of numbers here are a few resources I have found helpful:



Radleigh Valentine – Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck

Radleigh Valentine – The Big Book of Angel Tarot

Vikki MacKinnon – Take a Number

Vikki MacKinnon – The Magic of Eight




Radleigh Valentine School – Become a Certified Angel Numerologist

Vikki MacKinnon on Facebook


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