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Angel Messages - The Ripple Effect

Marilyn Young

As we move into a new “9 universal month.” one of completion and letting go, and having just experienced the new moon a few days ago, which askes us to let go of self criticism and embrace self improvement and self care, The Healing Waters Oracle deck created by Rebecca Campbell offers a most relevant card for us. You may remember that through several mystical experiences on her journey, Rebecca developed a deep relationship with water. She emphasizes how water is intrinsic to life. We are water beings on a water planet – we drink, eat, and breathe water. Life only exists where there is water. In fact, we come into life in water. She describes water as recording information which it then distributes as it circulates around the Earth. She speaks of the duality of water – it can be still and calming or fiercely destructive in the chaos of storms. It can protect and hydrate us or it can make us vulnerable and drown us. She describes water as being sacred as it plays an important role in many spiritual traditions and is connected to healing and transformation. Her hope is that we all see the waters around us and within us as sacred and protect them for generations to come. To remind us of the impact of our journey, today’s card is The Ripple Effect.

My Messages:

We Are All Connected

As we move into this month of letting go to become more self aware and indulge in self care, this card reminds us that whatever we do for ourselves has an impact on others. Just as the

two figures are connected, we too are connected to all other beings on the planet. The cosmos representation at the heart centre of the image is illustrating the crystalline core of Gaia as well as the light deep within us and how both are connected to our place of origin, to Source. The figures rising out of the centre of the image illustrate how we are also connected to the planet. Just as all the Earth’s waters are connected to be part of a single giant body of water, so too are we part of the bigger whole of humanity and of all beings that inhabit this planet.

We are also supported by Source in our journey. As the images “swim through life” they are led by the light of Source that shines just ahead of them. The light also illuminates the waters around and below the figures, supporting them as they move forward.

The Ripple Effect

The energy of the crystalline core ripples out through the water as does the energy of the

figures as shown by the ripples spreading out from their hands. Every thought and feeling that we have, every spoken word or action that we take, not only impacts our lives but that of other beings whether we are aware of them or not. There is a ripple effect.

This impact can be a physical one such as you choosing to spend money to purchase something particular from a certain vendor, who in turn uses that money to purchase school supplies for his child, who then uses the supplies to learn his lessons and do his homework to the end result of graduating first in his class, eventually becoming a successful lawyer who helps underprivileged clients. You may not even know the vendor and would have no idea of the future of his child, but you had an impact.

The impact can be an emotional one where your smile and grateful thank you to your dentist as you leave his office after a treatment brightens his day, so that when he goes home at the end of the day he greets his tired wife with a warm hug and a kiss, which lifts her spirits just enough to spend a few extra minutes with their toddler that night as she lovingly tucks him into bed, who then has his first full night of sleep without nightmares of his parents leaving him. In this case, your smile went a long way!

The ripple effect can also be energetic. Simply by filling your heart with love and sending love and light to those suffering on the other side of the planet, you will have a beneficial effect on them. It may be just a moment of calm that they experience in an otherwise chaotic life or, with enough people sending love and light, the impact may be a temporary ceasefire in the war they are living through. We can never underestimate the power of the ripple effect.


The two figures in the image remind us of the duality of life and the duality of water itself. Even though the figures are facing opposite directions, they appear to have a push-pull energy just as we experience in life. It is part of the journey to becoming whole as our true selves at our core. We may bounce back and forth from positive to negative thoughts and feelings throughout a day. We may move back and forth between the physicality of our world and spirituality attempting to find the balance that the symmetry in the image represents. As we move back and forth, we also find the answers to the life lessons we are here to learn.

The light and dark colour of the waters reflects the duality of light and dark energy. As the two figures seemingly emerge from the single cosmic vortex in the centre of the image, it shows us that we come from a single Source. The two symmetrical sides of the image show us that we need the two pieces to make the whole. We need duality to create wholeness. For example, we need the dark to find the light and vice versa. The duality also reminds us of the ebb and flow of water just as our journey ebbs and flows. The unshakable reliability and predictability of the ebb and flow of Gaia’s waters encourages us to have the same unshakable trust in Spirit. The water moves as it should as do our lives. The more we trust in Spirit the more we can effortlessly “go with the flow” versus fighting the tides or undertow.

Impacting Others

Lastly, as with our last Healing Waters card, the beautiful turquoise colour of the water is another reminder that Archangel Sandalphon is near and subtly reminding us through colour that he is ensuring that our prayers are being heard and answered. Dougall Fraser, Psychic, Author, Cosmic Coach, and Colour Intuitive, tells us that turquoise is the colour of forgiveness and kindness. It is also a colour that is a combination of the colours of truth and communication. Turquoise is reminding us that as we reconnect with our higher self and remember that we are part of a bigger whole, we may need to forgive ourselves and others to move forward, to treat ourselves and others with kindness and compassion, and to continue to communicate with our spiritual team. Are you ready to release or forgive what no longer serves you so you can move forward this year? (Learn more about one way for forgiveness through Ho’oponopono).  Can you open your heart to live from a place of kindness and compassion? Can you just imagine how much of a ripple effect that will have?

As we all work through the challenges of today’s tense times, we can remember that we are all on this journey together. We can be open to receiving the healing Divine Feminine energy that is coming to us through the Earth’s waters. Through the ripple effect we, in turn, can have a positive impact on other people, on Gaia, and her creatures. Our healing and growth will impact others. Just as the water does, we can buoy each other up when we falter on our journey. We can shine a little brighter so others can find their light.

Guidebook Messages:

Part of something bigger. Details are taken care of.

When wind blows onto water, ripples are formed. If the wind is consistent and strong enough those ripples become waves, and those waves have the potential to gather momentum every step of the way.

This card delivers the message of the ripple soon to become the wave. You’re playing your part in the collective ocean of change. Maybe you know the part you play, or perhaps it’s not clear. Your role in the collective ocean matters, and you’re having an impact by the way you’re showing up to your path.

The Ripple Effect card can be a sign that a project or creation is becoming a bigger success than you may have previously thought it would be. Or it might be a sign that you are part of something much bigger than just you. Perhaps you’re one drop in a giant ocean, part of a constellation of souls to create an impact on this world.

The momentum is building, the details are being taken care of, something’s swelling and growing. Don’t get lost in the details. Rather, trust that momentum is building and will continue to do so. Swim your own race – don’t look around you. Something’s happening – and you’re an important part of it. Success and momentum are on their way.

Healing Waters Activation:

I surrender to the flow of my destiny.

I welcome more trust, ease, and support every step of the way.”

I hope this was helpful for you. As you let go to move forward this month, I hope you are aware of the ripple effect and are receiving just as much a positive effect as you are sending out.

I would love to hear your feedback about how this card’s message has resonated with you. If you would like messages from Spirit specific to you and your ripple effect, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).

Sending love and light,



If you would like to learn more about the meaning water and colours, here are a few resources I have found helpful:



The Healing Waters Oracle Deck and Guidebook by Rebecca Campbell

Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser



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