How are you doing since this week’s Full Harvest Moon and Lunar Eclipse? How is your energy? Have you been struggling with the emotions brought in by the Full Moon in Pisces - a water sign which is all about emotion? Along with powerful emotions, those celestial events of this week also brought about the energy of completion, closure, and transformation. Today’s card from the Guardian Angel Messages Tarot created by Radleigh Valentine aligns perfectly with this week’s energy and provides us with reassuring messages as we navigate our journey forward. It is also a continuation of the messages brought forward in last week’s newsletter “Dark Night, Bright Light.” The card today is the Nine of Fire. Before we look at the messages from this card though, Spirit wants to remind us about our Guardian Angels.
As you likely remember, Guardian Angels are messengers from Source who love, protect, and guide us throughout our entire lives as much as we are open to that. They never leave us and, in these trying times on our planet, they can’t emphasize enough, how much they love us unconditionally. Many of us have more than one Guardian Angel, with each coming forward at different times of our lives depending on our need.
As many people are waking up to their innate spiritual gifts, more and more are “seeing” and “hearing” their angels. As you begin to “see” them either in your mind’s eye (your third eye or brow chakra) or see them physically, they will take on any form that feels familiar and comfortable to you. Some “see” their Angels as a pillar of light. Others may just experience changes in body temperature. Being suddenly chilled to the bone and unable to warm up is usually a sign your Angels are with you. The closer they get, the colder you get! Sometimes I need to ask my Angels to move back a bit so I can warm up!
You do not need anyone else to tell you your Guardian Angels’ names – they will answer to any name that you choose for them. They speak to us regularly via our intuitive thoughts or through concrete signs in our daily lives such as lyrics from a song we notice, random comments from a stranger, or coins or feathers showing up in unusual places. You may experience an overwhelming sense of love that brings you to tears. or you may just “know” they are there. Today, they are also giving us messages through this tarot deck. Because this card deck will be used by many people and because each Guardian Angel’s message is particular to the person they are connected to, the author worked with the Guardian Angel Council to ensure the messages for these cards would resonate for everyone who worked with them. Your Guardian Angel(s) will them help you intuitively sort through which pieces of the messages are for you.
My Messages:
Today’s card is from the Fire suit, which is all about our passion, inspiration, creativity, and
moving forward. Reassuringly, this card shows us all that we have been through in the past, especially the recent past, is truly behind us. The staffs behind the figure on the card represent all of those challenges and hard rimes, those “dark nights” that you have maneuvered through and triumphed over. You have conquered them, and the last one is “at hand.” The figure is holding the last staff confidently as she knows it is the final challenge, she, and you, are at the brink of total victory. As the image shows us, she has come out of the forest behind her and is in the clearing. This is a message to us that the path ahead is bright and clear.
The Guardian Angel behind the figure in the card’s image is there supporting her. He “has her back” just as your Guardian Angel(s) have yours! The blue orbs on all of the staffs are a reminder of Archangel Michael who has been present for every one of those challenges symbolized by the orb on every staff. As the card refers to “protection” it is a reminder that our Guardian Angels are always present shielding us from anything that does not serve us, helping us meet our challenges. One of Archangel Michael’s main assignments is that of protection. He too helps us release anything that no longer serves us. Spirit wants to reassure you that as you travelled through “dark times,” you were never abandoned – your angels will always be there to assist you.
When we look closer at the image, we see the figure is holding a pink rose and each of the staffs in the ground have pink roses growing up and around them. These beautiful flowers are a symbol of the gifts that our challenges brought us – each one moving us through a piece of a life lesson or an awakening of a spiritual growth. Just as the flowers are growing, so too do we grow spiritually as we move through our challenges. The flowers are a dark pink, the colour of Archangel Jophiel who helps us see the beauty in the world and that is one of the amazing gifts to waking up spiritually and letting go of fears and the self-limiting thoughts of the ego. Those lessons that the staffs and flowers show us we worked through so successfully have prepared us, as the cards mentions, for our movement forward in our purpose.
As you may notice, the figure is standing barefooted on the red earth showing us that she is grounded in her passion. Spirit is encouraging you to do the same. Rediscover your passion. What lights you up? What makes you want to leap out of bed in the morning? What brings a smile to your face with the mere thought of it? As you work with the Divine Feminine energy brought in stronger by the Lunar Eclipse, what do you want to create?
As the number nine reflects the messages of completion brought in by the Lunar Eclipse. As we released what no longer serves us with the Full Moon, working through our challenges and “dark nights,” this card is telling us that we are soon ready for new beginnings. We can embark on a new course and move into our creativity. The figure is showing us we are “in our final lesson” as she holds the last remaining staff. She appears strong and confident to move forward. She is showing us how “resilient” we are to have come through tough times. She is also wearing a light pink shirt which is the colour of Archangel Ariel who is the Archangel of courage and abundance. Spirit is reminding us of our strength and showing us that we can create an abundant future with confidence. So, breath but don’t look back – only look ahead at the great things yet to come as you create them.
The angel number nine is also telling us that the time is right to pursue your passion and in doing so you will move forward in your purpose. This is a time to move into a higher vibration brought about by being in service to others. Demonstrating love and compassion for others and practicing gratitude will lift your vibration as you move into shining your “bright light.”
Guidebook Messages:
“You have created many wonderful and amazing things. There are relationships that you treasure and accomplishments that you are proud of, as well as the place you call home. It’s only natural to want to protect them. Rest assured that you are always being lovingly watched over by your guardian Angels. If you have any worries, you can also ask Archangel Michael for protection. You are completely safe!!
This card can also indicate causes that mean a great deal to you. Examples include animal activism, charities that protect children or battered spouses, and environmentalism and curing major diseases- any thing that you feel passionate about. If you feel strongly about a cause, take it as a clue from the angels directing to where you should lend your energy.
Angel Message: If you feel unsafe, as though someone or something you love is in danger, call upon us. We are here night and day to help you stand guard against all threats.
Additional messages of this card: Getting prepared. Successfully recovering from an illness, Physical and emotional strength. Being persistent.”
I hope this was helpful for you. It is time for so many to come into their light. I would love to hear your feedback on these messages. If you find that you are wanting help wrapping things up, book into a personalized counselling or angel card reading online or in person (in Calgary).
Sending love and light,
If you would like to learn more about the Guardian Angels or the meaning of numbers and colours here are a few resources I have found helpful:
Dougall Fraser – Your Life in Colour
Radleigh Valentine – Guardian Angel Messages Tarot deck
Vikki MacKinnon (Numerologist) on Facebook