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Angel Messages - Luminous Messengers - The Child

Marilyn Young

Today I am again honoured and humbled to pull a card from a new deck created for me by my youngest daughter. The deck is called Luminous Messengers. She worked with Spirit to create the titles, images, and messages for the forty cards in the deck. The love, hope, and inspiration embodied in this beautiful deck are reflected in the messages from Spirit that the cards bring forth. Today’s card from this very special deck is The Child.

My Messages:

To start, this card is from the Orange suit which is the suit of balance and being in alignment with our true selves. In Buddhism orange is the colour of spiritual radiance which is the highest state of spiritual evolution. Confucianism considers orange the colour of metamorphosis and renewal. As we change and grow spiritually, we create more balance between all things, most importantly between psychology and spirituality. Internationally recognized psychic, author, and cosmic coach, Dougall Fraser, sees orange as the colour that represents that balance, which then askes us to be present and be in alignment with our core being. As we become balanced, we experience the freedom to be our true selves. Canadian artist L’Or, sees orange as the colour of joy. It’s vibrancy and warmth bring in confidence as well.

Orange is also the colour of the sacral chakra which is about how we relate to our emotions

and the emotions of others. This speaks to how we work within a community. The sacral chakra also governs creativity and sexual energy. We are working with this chakra when we create the future for ourselves. So, the colour orange brings many gifts for us as a reminder to stay in balance as we reconnect to our inner child and our true selves.

The Child symbolizes new beginnings, innocence, and purity as well as referring us to our inner child. Spirit is incredibly accurate at providing the precise messages we need to hear with perfect timing. As I have connected with clients, friends, and family lately, I have witnessed many, including myself, being invited by Spirit to reconnect with our inner child as we enter a time of change within ourselves. Now, more than ever before is the time to dive deep to reconnect to your inner child to rediscover your true self, your soul purpose. All the energies from recent and upcoming celestial events support new discoveries, sudden change, and rebirth.

We have just come through the Full Worm Moon Lunar eclipse on March 24/25 which welcomed spring and reminded us of the nature’s changes with this season. Just as worms are beginning to move as the ground thaws, we are experiencing subtle changes in ourselves “beneath the surface”. A full moon is a time to release what no longer serves us as we make room for incoming changes. Interestingly, this eclipse was in the sign of Libra, the scales, which speaks to us of finding balance, just as the colour orange of this card’s suit does, especially in relationships.

So, as changes start to stir beneath the surface, we moved into a month of more intense energetic shifts. We are in a time now when 4 planets are in alignment with the Earth – Venus, Saturn, Mars, and Neptune – and by the end of the month Jupiter will join the alignment. This alignment symbolizes a shift in global energy. The combined energy of these planets (Venus: love, relationships, self worth; Saturn: commitment, responsibility, boundaries; Mars: energy & drive; Neptune: Spirit, the ethers, loss, dissolution of the veil; Jupiter: expansion, abundance, good fortune) may bring in the most intense spiritual connections we have ever had. That will include unconditional love, a connection to our higher purpose, and an awakening to all truth as the veil thins. What better time than to go deep within your heart and connect with the inner child to address any true blocks to your spiritual path? It is an opportunity to expand the heart energy so needed by the planet at this time as well as a chance to balance self love with the commitment to others.


The New Moon on April 8 in Aries provides us more opportunities for change and to set new directions. It supports connecting with the pure you of your inner child in rediscovering your true personal identity and purpose. The Full Solar Eclipse occurring on this same date amplifies the new moon energy of change and brings in an energy of enlightenment, a spiritual awakening where transformation and rebirth can occur. What “rare gifts” are awakening for you? What new directions are you being called to take?

Other astrological events occurring this month including the reappearance of the Green Devil Comet, a NOVA being added to our night sky, and Jupiter in conjunction with Uranus will all add to the energy of change and rebirth. As the card states “Many opportunities lay ahead.” Again, this is the time to discover those deeply buried beliefs created in childhood that may be blocking your growth. Allow your inner child to speak and bring them to light. Epiphanies and surprises may surface providing empowering wisdom and growth.

The card also speaks to “an innocent sense of wonder and curiosity.” I wrote at length about the innocence and curiosity of children in the Feb 16, 2024, Ripple Effect Newsletter – Listen to the Children. As our world continues to struggle with persistent, although waning, negative energies, we need to recapture the light of childlike innocence. Through this card, Spirit encourages us to recapture our sense of wonder and curiosity to see the beauty and joy that also exists in our world. We are supported by Spirit to immerse ourselves in that beauty to bring more of it into our lives and, since we are all connected, into the lives of others.

The pale pink flowers in the card’s background are the colour of Archangel Ariel who is the

Archangel of nature, courage, signs/synchronicities, and abundance. They are a subtle sign of when we have the courage to dive deep and reconnect with the inner child and who we truly are, we are supported to have the courage to face any changes that come into our lives as a result. Archangel Ariel is stepping forward to encourage us to spend time in nature just as the angel is in the image. As we embrace opportunities for change and growth, she will be

right beside us for support. The darker pink flowers emphasize the message of joy that orange also brings in. The flowers are the colour of Archangel Jophiel who is the Archangel of faith, trust, positivity, beauty, and joy. This subtle sign again reminds us to see the beauty and joy in life especially when we take a childlike perspective. Jophiel tells us we can trust in Spirit to support us and trust the positive impact our joy will have “on the masses.”

In addition to being a sign of abundance, the fish in the image also symbolize things “under the surface” as they live under the surface in water. So, just as the Worm Full Moon has us acknowledging changes going on “under the surface” so do the fish. With those changes we may explore and discover the beauty within our wonderful true selves. The changes may encompass an awakening, new gifts, or a realignment with your true identity and purpose.

The fish in the image are in the foreground and are creatures that live their entire lives in water. Just as the colour orange is that of the sacral chakra which is connected to emotions, the fish are “bringing forward” water representing emotions as well. As we explore deeper who we are, old traumas will likely surface for us to release and clear so that we can move forward on our spiritual journey. Just as the childlike angel in the image is immersed in the water, we can then be immersed in the joy we will discover as we change and grow. The angel is holding her hands over her heart again focusing us on going deep into our own hearts to do our spiritual work. The angel is also a portrayal of the deep love and compassion we will have the opportunity to cultivate as our gifts open and we realign with who we are.

The predominant colour of the image is green which is the colour of the heart chakra and healing – as we heal those traumas, remove those blocks, we will find love and compassion in our core. Green is also the colour of communication reminding us to share that love and compassion with the community that the orange suit represents. Lastly, green is also the colour of creativity symbolizing the beautiful world we can create for ourselves and others as we embrace the opportunities to connect with the inner child and our own true light. 

According to numerology, creativity and communication are also qualities of the number three and we are in April, a “three universal month.” In her April 2024 Forecast Numerologist, Ann Perry, describes the month as a time to play, have fun, and be social. It is a time to “keep the inner child alive” and approach life with a new perspective of wonder and curiosity just as the card suggests. She also mentions the concept of balance as in balancing work and play.

Three is also the angel number that tells us our Guides, Ascended Masters, passed loved ones, elementals, etc. are with us supporting us in all that we do. They are reminding us that as Children of the Divine, we come from love and are so dearly loved by all of those in the spiritual realm including God/Source/the Creator. As we navigate change to new beginnings, we are asked to find the love we have come from, the loving soul within ourselves, the pure love deep down in our core. We are to treat ourselves with unconditional love just as we would a child. That pure love will support us in navigating the opportunities to come and will have a positive impact on our global community.

Guidebook Messages:

Currently this deck does not have a guidebook. My daughter and I will be working together to create one in the future.

I hope this reading was helpful for you. As you continue to focus on the image on the card, listen for the messages it brings specifically for you. Focus on the warmth of orange and open your sacral charka to allow in the positive energy of working with community. Work with the green for healing any barriers to creating the future you desire. Dive deep into your heart to

discover the gifts your inner child holds for you. Embrace the changes and opportunities to come – they will spur you forward on your path to enlightenment.

I would love to hear your feedback about how this card’s message has resonated with you. If you find that you are wanting some assistance connecting with your inner child or navigating energetic changes, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).

Lots of love and hugs,



If you would like to learn more about the meaning of celestial events, colours, or numbers here are a few resources I have found helpful:



Luminous Messengers Oracle deck by Maggie Young

Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser



Vikki MacKinnon on Facebook


Photo Sources

Luminous Messengers Oracle deck by Maggie Young

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