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Angel Messages - King of Earth

Marilyn Young

This week’s card comes from a deck I have been working with all day on a couple of other projects - the Angel Wisdom Tarot deck created by Radleigh Valentine. We haven’t heard from this deck for a long time, but it is definitely making up for lost time today! The card today is the King of Earth


The suit of earth is focused on our material and health needs as well as the daily activities to meet those needs. It also addresses the world around us – community, society, the environment, and even the plant herself. As a court card, the King may represent you, someone in your life or soon to be in your life, or a situation you are experiencing.


 My Messages:

As we move into perhaps the most giving month of the year, this card’s most obvious message is welcome for most of us! As the King of Earth, you or someone in your life (or soon to be in your life) are/is experiencing or coming into a time of success bringing you “financial security and prosperity.” However, for many, this season also brings financial stress connected to this time of giving. This may make it a little difficult to believe that we are in a time of financial prosperity.

So, a more important message that the card brings in is regarding how to acquire that

financial success.  The card shows us that the King is very confident in his ability to bring in wealth as he sits comfortably on his golden throne with a huge gold medallion on his knee. This reminds us to be confident in our ability to access the financial abundance we desire. The King tells us to be confident in OUR ability to bring in the resources we require/desire. As a leader, the King holds the belief that he is worthy of financial success and can access it at any time. If we listen to the channelling of Bashar, we are informed that every possible version of our lives already exists in the ethers and all we need to do is choose to live the version we desire and that is the reality we will find ourselves in. The choice is made through our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions that serve to raise our vibration to become equal to that reality we would like to experience. So, if we think, feel, and act as if we are already the successful King and believe that we are successful, we will become the “King” we desire to be.

I know, for some, that might be a bit difficult to get your head around but spend some time with it and then try it. See yourself as financially successful. What would that look like to you? Feel as if you are financially successful. What does that feel like in your heart to have all financial worries gone and to be able to give freely? Act as if you are financially successful. Feel and express gratitude for all that you have and all that is coming. Share the wealth that you do have. Money is energy and it needs to flow. Giving tells the Universe that you are ready to receive more. Believe in your heart that you are financially successful. Believe that you are worth it. The key then is to let go of the thoughts and beliefs that give rise to reasons that you can’t be financially successful. It is also important to stay in the moment and not be tied to any particular outcome.

The colours of the King’s clothes also give us clues to his financial security. His orange robe is the colour of balance. This reminds us that balance in life between work and play is so very important to your success. His red overcoat represents the utmost importance of following your passion and finding joy in everything that you do. When you act out your passion you create the vibration that matches an abundant life. His indigo blue scarf is Archangel Zadkiel’s colour who is the Archangel of forgiveness telling us that it is important to forgive ourselves for what we see as “failures,” to release any negative thoughts about the past, and move forward. Zadkiel is also the Archangel who reminds us of our connection to the Divine. In that light then, ask yourself, “If we all come from the Divine Source do you not deserve to have the same financial success that others enjoy? If we all come from the same origins, do you not deserve the same things in life and can we not all create equally?” Perhaps those questions can help you release any limiting beliefs.

There is also another aspect of balance that is highlighted by this time of the year. That is the balance between giving and receiving. Many of you, I would wager, tend to give to others more than you allow yourself to receive. This is not only in regard to material goods but also giving of your time, service/help, and support emotionally and physically. As a confident leader, the King knows that energy needs to flow so just as he readily and compassionately gives to others, he is open to receive whatever comes into his life. He is confident in his self worth to know he is deserving of what others wish to give him. As a leader, he is also a mentor in supporting others in their need to give as part of their path. How is your balance with giving and receiving?

Although this card is primarily about financial success, Spirit also wants you to remember that the King is compassionate. He not only shares financial wealth but shares from the heart. The greatest wealth that we can all access immediately is that of love - love for others, from others, and for ourselves. When we live from a heart centred place, every thought, belief, feeling, and act will be positive truly giving us “the Midas touch” with everything in life turning out beautifully.

Lastly, this card can also be referring to others in your life who have the “Midas touch” and who choose to support you. It may be a family member, a friend, or even a work colleague or supervisor. If this is the case, Spirit wants you to remember to be open to receiving, to know that you are worth what they are offering you.

Guidebook Messages: 

“’No, No! I’ll pay for that. I insist.’

You or your situation: As the King you are generous, successful, accomplished, compassionate, and grounded. As the provider for your family, you definitely have the Midas touch. Seriously. Everything you work on turns to gold! That being said, you also have a heart of gold. You care deeply about the people that work for and with you, those in need, charitable causes, and the environment.

To outsiders it may appear that money just falls magically from the sky for you, but the truth is, you are a very hard worker. (Your spouse might say you are a workaholic!) But that doesn’t mean you are avoiding your family, because they are your number one priority. As a business leader, you are savvy and unshakable. People who want to be a success would be very wise to watch you closely and follow your lead.

Much like the Queen of Earth, you revel in the finer things in life, and that’s part of the reason

you work so hard. You love luxury, gourmet foods, and the most exquisite art. You also love showering your family with gifts that come from the fruits of your labours.

You have your causes, and you are diligent about promoting them. You aren’t above marching against injustice or making a speech at a rally. And yes, your wallet is open to them, just as it is to your family.

Words of awareness: Does your spouse know what that cost? (Oh, she bought it for you. Of course, she did) You know… you could go home every once in a while. You don’t have to work 24 hours a day. Why do you care what those other CEO’s think?

Other people: Generous, responsible, professional, hardworking, gifted, charitable, successful, accomplished, powerful, prosperous, compassionate, grounded, ruthless, untrusting, power hungry, money hoarding, patronizing.

Additional meanings of this card: A generous and compassionate employer. A natural business sense. Fighting for what’s right. An environmentalist. A thriving career. Financial security. Nearing retirement.”

I hope this was helpful for you. As card number fourteen in the suit, the number reduces down to five which is the angel number indicating that change is coming so look for opportunities. That change may very well bring the opportunity for you to gain financial security! The one in number fourteen refers to new beginnings – a new start with the Midas touch perhaps? The four in the number fourteen tells us that your angels are with you and supporting you on this wonderful new journey of prosperity. Enjoy!

I would love to hear your feedback. If you find that you are wanting more messages from Spirit specific to you, I am offering individual intuitive counselling, angel card readings, and angel numerology online or in person (in Calgary).

Sending love and light,



If you would like to learn more about the topics from today, here are a few resources I have found helpful:



Angel Wisdom Tarot deck by Radleigh Valentine




Created by M Young with CANVA

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