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Angel Messages - Dreams Coming True

Marilyn Young

Today has been a very sad day for me. As I write this, I am still not sure why I have been feeling an overwhelming sadness all day. Perhaps it is old memories surfacing that I need to clear out or maybe, as an empath, I am picking up on the sadness of others, or both! When I asked Spirit which deck holds the best message for everyone today, they singled out The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck created by well known psychic medium and spiritual teacher, John Holland. Perhaps you are dealing with intense troubling emotions or matters of the heart today too and this deck, created to provide guidance for relationships and in matters of the heart, has a helpful message for both of us. As mentioned in a previous month, the author speaks of the deck’s messages helping us take a psychic and intuitive perspective on things so we can “make better decisions that are not based purely on emotion.” Today the deck gave us two cards with messages that enhance each other. They bring us hope and help for working through our struggles. The first card is card #9 Dreams Coming True. The second card is #3 Solar Plexus Chakra.

My Messages:

The image on the first beautiful card shows us that we hold our future in our hands - a

wonderful reminder that what we think, feel, and believe creates our reality. How relevant for not only me feeling engulfed in sadness but also for many more of you who are struggling right now with difficult emotions such as anxiety and fear in addition to sadness. This message is also relevant for those of you who are having an increased frequency of troubling negative thoughts, lack of focus, or uncertainty. This entire year has been one of dealing with “old baggage” and releasing all that no longer serves us. We have had our times of intense energies around this task, causing us to peek around each corner hoping it would be the last time. BUT we are just coming through yet another one of these intense energies created by the new moon and the partial solar eclipse on Oct 2. Again, it is a time of powerful energetic shifts bringing up all the things, events, people, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that no longer serve us so that we can release them.

This card is letting us know that as we work through this process, we are getting closer to our “dreams coming true.” In fact, we hold the answer to making our dreams come true. As we purge old beliefs that we don’t align with anymore, as we hold positive thoughts, and live from our heart with positive feelings, we are creating a beautiful future for ourselves. This card is a timely reminder for me today to regain that positive focus. I don’t need to analyze or look for some traumatic even that is creating this sadness. I just need to come back to being in my heart and feel the love that is there, to be open to the love and compassion all around me and to be grateful for it. If you are having difficult times these days, can you replace those negative thoughts with positive ones – perhaps a picture of the most wonderful future you want for yourself – and move into your heart, recapturing the warm feeling of the most recent time you received love? Think of things that you are grateful for and truly feel the gratitude in your heart. As this card shows us, we hold the positive energy, and we are assisted by the white energy from Source. Spirit is also telling me that the yellow light in the palms of the hands represents the “hands of God”. In other words, our creation of our future is also held in the “hands of God,” who is working with us, supporting us.

This card is from the Green suit which represents emotions in this deck. It addresses “relationships of the heart, feelings, desires, love, and joy.” AND what a joyful message it is delivering – our dreams are coming true!! All we need to do is realize that any struggle we are currently experiencing is part of the process to those dreams coming true. We need to discard all of the “old baggage” that is bringing up these issues so we can make room for that beautiful joyful future. As card #9, we are given the angel message that we are aligned with our purpose! So, take heart! All that you are experiencing is on path for you towards your purpose! This angel number also tells us to keep moving forward on that path. Don’t give up! Know that whatever you are working through will come to a conclusion in the most perfect Divine timing for you. As Lee Harris, a globally acclaimed Energy Intuitive, Channeler, Author, and Musician, tells us in his channelled October 2024 Energy Update, October is a month where we should go with the flow. As a water month, October energy supports us to move gently forward at a pace that is suited to our needs – slow and steady. Nine is also the number of completion, so again, take heart! Whatever you are working through is coming to completion. As you wrap things up, you make room for new beginnings, for those dreams to come true.

Guidebook Messages:

“This is a card of contentment and wishes being fulfilled. It suggests that you are now entering a time of peace, joy, and satisfaction. Be clear about what you want your relationships to look like, because your wishes may be granted soon. Remember to be open to receiving all that the Universe is sending your way and express gratitude when your dreams come true. Then sit back and enjoy!

This card is also about feeling good, both emotionally and physically. Engage in activities that bring you pleasure. Take a friend to an upscale restaurant, share a luxurious bubble bath with your partner, or enjoy an ice cream cone with a child. Activities that make you happy will tell the Universe to send you more joyful abundance. This will aid in your wish fulfillment. So go ahead, indulge yourself!

Key words: Contentment, gratitude, receive, indulgence”

Bonus Card

The additional card for today is a chakra card from this deck. As you may know. There are seven main chakras or energy centres in the body. Each of the chakras represent a certain type of energy and is connected to specific parts of the body. These centres transmit and receive psychic information and life energies essential for the wellbeing of the body, mind, and spirit. When a chakra card is drawn, we are to pay particular attention to its energy for ourselves as well as its influence on the message of the previous cards. Today’s chakra card is #3 Solar Plexus Chakra.

My Messages:

As most of you know, the Solar Plexus Chakra is the third chakra of the main seven chakras. It

is located between the naval and the lower end of the rib cage. We generally know it as our “power chakra” as it is the seat of our personal power. It supports confidence and a strong sense of self. If you have been feeling lost, insecure, and are feeling a lack confidence, lack of focus, or lack of direction this chakra needs attention.

This chakra card has come up for us today to give us a strategy to deal with the struggles we may be having at this time that are blocking our dreams from coming true. In order to work through the negative emotions or thoughts that are coming up for us, we need to step into our power to address them. In whatever manner is comfortable for you, bring in the golden light of Source to fill that chakra. Allow it in as you breathe in deeply and blow out any negativity. Imagine the chakra expanding as the light pours in. You may want to journal about all the times when you have exercised your personal power, whether it was completing an enormous project or simply saying “no” to something that was of no benefit to you. Working with the colour yellow – wearing it, having it in your environment, or painting/colouring with it also helps.

It is no surprise that the Solar Plexus Chakra card came up to pair with the “Dreams Coming True” card. Spirit is simply reminding us to stand in our power, to have confidence in ourselves that we can work through the challenges on our journey to make our dreams come true. It feels that for many this is close to the final push, if not THE final push to releasing all that is holding us back on our journey. It is time to move forward, and Spirit is telling us we have the power to do so. If we can’t feel that power, they are asking us to reach out to them for assistance. The angel number 3 means our entire spiritual team is supporting us, so we just need to remember to ask for help.

Guidebook Messages:

“The solar plexus chakra is located above the naval area and just below the rib cage. It represents power, vitality, willpower, self esteem, and confidence. This chakra is associated with clairsentience (inner feeling) which is the major psychic reception area.

To strengthen this chakra, try this breathing exercise: Close your eyes, and as you inhale deeply through your nose, breathe in the colour yellow. See it coming from a glowing, brilliant sun: Send this vital energy to your Solar Plexus. Exhale through your mouth all energies that don’t serve you, believe that you can have the relationships (or any dream) you deserve, and you will!

This exercise can be used to energize any chakra simply by visualizing the appropriate colour energy.

Keywords: Colour: Yellow, Sound: Ram, Element: Fire, Glands: Pancreas, adrenal, Key Words: ‘I can.’”

I hope this was helpful for you. Now is the time to step into your power and create your future where your dreams come true. Spirit is there to support you in all that you do. They believe in you as you should believe in yourself. Whatever your struggle right now, know that you’ve got this, and those beautiful dreams are right around the corner!

I would love to hear your feedback about how these cards’ messages have resonated with you. If you find that you are wanting some assistance with making those dreams come true, I am offering personalized intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).

Sending love and light,



If you would like to learn more about today’s topics, here are a few resources I have found helpful:



The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck and Guidebook by John Holland

Your Life in Color by Dougall Fraser




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