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Angel Messages - Archangel Power: Knight of Michael

Marilyn Young

Today’s card is from a deck that had faded into the background for a while but today called to me. The deck is the Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck created by Radleigh Valentine. This deck’s intention is to empower you to make positive changes in your life. The messages provide hope and inspiration, support and guidance to create your best life. The card providing messages from Spirit for us today is the It is the Knight of Michael.

As discussed in past newsletters, this deck works with the Archangels who give us help and assistance when we ask for it. They are messengers of the Divine and work with humanity to provide love, guidance, healing, and support. Of the fifteen major archangels, the four chosen to represent the four suites of the minor arcana of the deck are Gabrielle, Raphael, Michael, and Ariel. The suite of Michael represents mental activities. It “represents our abilities to think our way clear of our challenges and to soar to new heights of brilliance.” (Source: Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck Guidebook) The cards address communication, speaking our truth and personal freedom. This suit is that of Archangel Michael reflecting his role as protector and champion of us aligning with our purpose.


My Messages:

Archangel Michael has been around a lot lately so I asked if I should pull a card from his deck today, but I heard “no” and was directed to this deck instead. Of course, I had to laugh when the card pulled was from the suit of Michael – he will get his messages across anyway! In his role as protector, he really wants us to know that as we come out of the chaotic fluctuating energy of April, it is time to move forward and he will be right there with us “to help forge the way.”

Riding forward through what appears to be the night, the Knight on the card is suited up in

armour, sword, and shield ready to take on any battle with the darkness. This reminds me of the global battles currently occurring as well as our internal battles with the ego as we let go and forgive anything that is holding us back on our spiritual journey. Lee Harris, a globally known Energy Intuitive and Channeler, tells us that one of the energetic themes for the month of May is the healing of wounds of broken trust and an increased awareness of the battle for freedom globally and personally. Archangel Michael is the Knight at our side helping us regain our trust in the Divine, in others and ourselves. The white horse he rides symbolizes strength and freedom; setting your soul free; freedom to be who you truly are as your intuition wins the battle with your ego. Are you working on a battle to attain your freedom?

The white horse also symbolizes self-actualization and the ability to jump over hurdles along that journey. Lee Harris also speaks of May being the month of “personal upgrades coming in fast” meaning the soul work we have done up until now will be recognized and activated. According to numerology, May is a “four month” (month of May =5th month so 5+2+0+2+4 = 13=1+3=4). The four acknowledges the foundational work we have done up to this point. White horses are also said to be messengers from the Angels. The white horse in the image then, as well as the light coming from Source through the darkness in the image reassure us that Spirit is with us as we move forward in our purpose. Are you shifting? Do you feel different but can’t quite put a finger on what it is? You are changing and evolving so allow the energy to shift – it will be in your highest good.

According to Ann Perry, well known Numerologist, May is a month of karmic debt which may have us feeling foggy, stuck, lazy, frustrated, unmotivated, scattered, and prone to procrastination. Have you been feeling any of these symptoms lately? These feelings can be counterproductive to the energy of the month which is also about moving forward, and combined with the universal “eight year,” it is a time to move quickly to create the life we want. Harris concurs in describing the month as one of expansive energy where manifestation occurs. The card also emphasizes the message to move quickly. As we do so, it is important to stay focused on what we DO want because the Universe will readily manifest whatever we have in mind, even if it is negative. So, maintain positive thoughts and ask your Guardian Angels and Archangel Michael for help to stay focused. Where do your thoughts go lately?

The card and Harris speak about sudden changes. These changes can be seen as opportunities as we hurtle down our path of personal and spiritual growth. Many of us have been feeling stuck and Archangel Michael is beckoning us to move forward. He appears fearless in the card’s image, reminding us to be the same because we have him by our side. We can be ready for changes and challenges being confident in our strength, commitment, intellect, and diligence that the card describes as our characteristics. He advises us to use our intellect versus reactive emotion when responding to the changes and reminds us that we always have freedom of choice regarding how we respond to change.

The warrior in the image is female, symbolizing to me, moving towards the triumph of the feminine energy coming in globally. This is creating a shift away from competition, war, etc and a shift towards more cooperation and unconditional love. Again, exercising our personal power and freedom of choice, we are encouraged to choose positive thoughts over negative emotions in our transformational journey. Harris has also channeled a message that May is a month of expressing and experiencing love on a higher level as we heal and help others to heal.

The Knight is the 12th card in the suit carrying the energy of number 1 which is all about new beginnings and manifestation. Again, a message to keep our thoughts positive and move forward taking advantage of the supportive energy of this year to create the life we want. The number also carries the vibration of 2 which reinforces the feminine energy of cooperation and partnership. Perhaps you have a deeper partnership with Spirit developing as you gain trust and old wounds heal? The angel number 2 tells us to “don’t stop believing” – believing in your dreams, in your supports, and most importantly in yourself. Lastly when we reduce the number (1+2=3), number 3 speaks to creating the life we want and the angel number 3 tells us that our entire Spiritual team – Guides, Ascended masters, passed loved ones, fairies, etc - is supporting us in that dream.

Guidebook Messages:

“Situation: Time for swift action! It will be necessary to move with great decisiveness and confidence. Develop a plan and know exactly how to carry it forward. There is a great deal of activity. This card encourages you to follow your mind over your heart for the results you desire. While you’re urged to act quickly, you mustn’t act impulsively.

People: A person who is able to accomplish many things at once. Someone with a brilliant mind and the capacity to solve any intellectual problem, Strong, Focused, Committed. Educated.

Additional meanings of this card: The champion of a cause. Sudden changes. Lack of diplomacy.”

I hope this was helpful for you. As you settle into the rhythm of this month, know that changes are coming globally and personally so use your logic to make decisions about which direction you want to take and TRUST your intuition as well as the support you have from Spirit. Embrace the new feminine energy and partner with Archangel Michael on your journey. Above all, remember when you hit a bump to keep on believing in yourself and take baby steps to keep on moving forward.

I would love to hear your feedback. If you find that you are wanting help in doing what you love, I am offering individual intuitive counselling and angel card readings online or in person (in Calgary).

Sending love and light,



If you would like to learn more about the Archangels or the meaning of numbers here are a few resources I have found helpful:



Radleigh Valentine – Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck

Radleigh Valentine – The Big Book of Angel Tarot

Vikki MacKinnon – Take a Number




Vikki MacKinnon on Facebook





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